Do my chicks have Avian Encephalomyelitis virus?


In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2016
I got 4 Easter eggers from Theisens and now they are 12 days old. Just today I noticed that one of them was twitching its head. I looked it up and was brought to this disease. One of the other symptoms of Avian encephalomyelitis virus was sitting on the back on the back of its legs. I had noticed that they did this a few days when I got them. They usually do it only for a few seconds or while they are eating. The first time I saw one of them do it was when I was taking pictures of them, so I will put a picture to show you what I mean.

Do you think that my chicks have Avian Encephalomyelitis virus? If so what should I do? I have six other grown chickens in the coop that i was going to add these guys to. I do not want to get my older birds sick so should I not add them? Will they make it if the have this disease. Any help is needed!
I would use some vitamins in the water that contain riboflavin, just in case the sitting on the hocks is a riboflavin deficiency, which should be treated right away to be successful. AE can be a problem at this age, but tremors are usually seen, especially when they are held on their backs in the palm of your hand. In the articles I have seen, they will lay on their sides and be pretty lame. Hopefully that is not what you are seeing. Chicks will typically twitch or shake their heads some.
I would use some vitamins in the water that contain riboflavin, just in case the sitting on the hocks is a riboflavin deficiency, which should be treated right away to be successful. AE can be a problem at this age, but tremors are usually seen, especially when they are held on their backs in the palm of your hand. In the articles I have seen, they will lay on their sides and be pretty lame. Hopefully that is not what you are seeing. Chicks will typically twitch or shake their heads some.
okay I put save-a-chick electrolyte in their water and it contains riboflavin. Could the siting on their hocks thing be nothing? thankyou!
It could be a riboflavin deficiency. The symptoms can be sitting or walking on their hocks, and they can develop curled under toes.What type of feed are you using. Is it fresh dated? Most people that have had good luck notice an improvement within days to a week with a riboflavin (vitamins B2) deficiency. . I hope that you see improvement. Here is some reading about riboflavin deficiency, and more on AE:

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