Do Racoons kill chickens and ducks?

This is a good raccoon, and he would not bother your birds or your garden.

I wish that all raccoons were as good as this one.
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YES YES YES.....I have had racoons eat the feet off my gineapigs and pull all my young chickens piece by piece thru the chcikenwire when I first started raising chickens..I had no idea at first but they are killers.......My chickens are locked up at night and have been for 10 years since I learned that costly and gross lesson.......
Absolutely YES. We lost a lot of hen to coons the first year we were here. Shot a few. Built a new coop, and moved the birds. No more trouble from coon for 11 years, until this year. Lost 15 guinea keets in 4 days to a band of raccoons that showed up recently. I trapped them, and now the losses have stopped.

And the mama guineas have finally returned to the coop at night, with the remaining keets, and are now safe indoors at night. They were still outdoors for almost 2 weeks after I trapped the last coon.

Let me add that raccoon, cooked in a crock pot after brining a few days, is delicious. Moist and succulent.
I hope you drive a truck or something big enough to do that in

A coon ran out into the highway in front of me once while I was driving a Grand Marquis and running over it busted the radiator, from underneath the car.

But, MOW EM DOWN I say.


We killed 4 or 5 raccoons the first winter we were here. Then, we had no more raccoon problems until about 6 weeks ago-over 11 years later. I know that there have been raccoons in the area all along. But most of the time, they don't bother us, or our poultry.

I wouldn't hesitate to get rid of the ones being a problem, but I'm not going to wage war against an entire species. It's just not reasonable.
Now, now, don't be snarky. We aren't all born knowing everything!

I have lost 13 chickens in the past week to a suspected raccoon. Chicken wire will not stop them at all. Chicken wire is to keep birds in, not predators out.

Hardware cloth, completely surrounding a pen will help, if well anchored, but is still not enough. The top and bottom need protection, too. Buried hardware cloth did not stop this one here- he/she moved bricks, ripped hardware cloth out of the ground and then dug under that and chain link.

Very strong and determined critters. And worse, they kill everything they can, taking one last one off to eat.

Our plan is to beef up all defenses, and then run 4 strands of electric fence outside all of that.

Teach those ducks to go in, that's you best bet. Bribe then if you can, herd them if you can't.

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