Do Roos grow faster than pullets?


14 Years
Mar 13, 2010
Jacksonville, Oregon
One of my 4 Ameraucana chickies bolted in size to almost 3 times as large as the other 3. Could this mean she is a roo? They are almost 4 weeks now but were all the same size when I got them 3 weeks ago.
Thanks, I wouldn't mind a younger rooster. I have one already but he is pretty old and is a RIR. I can't tell if she/he is standing taller since he dwarfs all the others.
I have found that with my 6 week old babies, the boys have grown much larger than the girls. I could really see the difference at about 4 weeks old, and now the boys tower over the girls. I've also noticed that their combs are growing much faster and larger than the girls too. It could be a fluke with my fuzz butts, but that's what I've seen!
I have 2 chicks and they both hatched the same day, but 1 of them has really big wing feathers and the other one has wing feathers, too but they're alot smaller. Is the other one a rooster? They are both 6 or 7 days old.
Good question! I have 3 easter egger chicks that I bought at the local farm supply store, straight run. 2 of them are cute and little, and I'm sure about a week old. The other one is definately bigger. I'm not certain if 'she's' just older than a week or a roo. s/he doesn't look older, other than just being bigger. S/he stands differently than the others and it's legs look alot thicker compared to my little two. I certain have rooster going through my head, but I don't know if one is able to tell this early so I'm crossing my fingers and thinking 'hen' thoughts until I hear a crow

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