DO Salmon Favs Banties Roos Crow???? Post 8

Tiki, here is a recording of my LF rooster Gautier crowing I think he's got a beautiful crow. He doesn't crow very often, IMO, but I suppose it depends on your perspective. He's a darling.

When this recording just played, however, he heard the "other" rooster crowing, and crowed several times! Very funny.

He is sort of above the pecking order at this point. The little ones do hide beneath him. He's bigger than everyone else, so they more or less leave him alone, although I suppose he'll be challenged eventually.

He's sweet to the girls, in general, and does a good job of locating treats for them, and beaking delectables to his favorites.


See his little smile for the camera?
I love my salmons, but you already know that! As for crowing, my salmons crow, but not near as much as some of our other breeds, but I am not a good one to ask, because we have ALOT of roosters and always have crowing going on...I love it!
My salmons seem fairly quiet comparitivly.
Thanks mothergoose and Windy Ridge, funny I just heard a first time really sick croak just now as I am typing this

moonlitfarms, the boys will take quite a while to get the right feather color, mine isn't there yet either.
Your roo is awesome looking! That is what I am expecting. I feel better knowing that it takes them a while to get their color. I have been a bit worried and that is one of the reasons I purchased these because I love the pics of SF that i have seen. Now I just need to replace his girlfriend that we lost.

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