Do sweaters actually help chickens stay warmer?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 9, 2012
I know some people have put sweaters on their chickens to keep them from getting pecked on. And some put them on in the cold weather - but does a shivering hen actually stop shivering if you put a warm sweater on her?

I would never attempt it.....I think it would compress the feathers so they can't do what they are supposed to do, which is fluff up to hold warmth against the skin.

I thought that too - the only exception I think, would be if you made them some sort of loose windbreaker maybe? I know that your coop needs to not have drafts, so chickens feathers probably aren't that wind-proof.
I know many people do that. I have never put my chickens in sweaters... I would think it would work if it trapped cold air from getting in.
Isn't this pic cute! I found it online! :)
I had a polar fleece apron on my poor hen that had a long and hard molt. I took it off just last week. She is finally growing back her feathers (which is a blessing since its been 20° with freezing rain lately.
I have a golden wyandott that has been pecked on, putting antibacterial salve on back, but feathers not growing back. Thinking of using a sweater. Want to leave it on day and night. Any ideas?
I have a golden wyandott that has been pecked on, putting antibacterial salve on back, but feathers not growing back. Thinking of  using a sweater. Want to leave it on day and night. Any ideas?
you can create an apron out of polar fleece. Google or look on here for "no-sew fleece chicken apron". Sometimes they're called saddles. I had a white rock that was overmated. Her feathers took FOREVER to grow in. She got sunburned, so I made up a fleece apron. Worked great.
Unless the chicken's feathers are compromised for some reason, sweaters will make them colder when it's cold (by preventing them from fluffing their feathers & down to form the insulating warm air cushion) and cause them to overheat when it gets warm (by preventing them releasing excess heat). If you want to take a cute picture of a bird in a sweater, have at it then take the sweater off. If you need to protect a bird temporarily because of injury/parasites/picked feathers, this is one of your options. If it is truly frigid out to the point frostbite is an issue, put a heat lamp in the coop (not like a sweater is going to do anything for frostbite on combs anyway). If you want something to dress up on a regular basis, get a short-haired yap dog.
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