do these chicks look old enough to go to the coop

Yes, they're fully feathered ........almost........
is this a coop to themselves or sharing with adult chickens? if its just for themselves go for it! if its to share with adult, they are still too small
It is a coop by themselves, and YAY I LOVE YOU> thanks for the words of encouragement, and check out my new BYC page I made, I'd like some suggestions on it.
First of all yes. Second is if you have adult chickens, you should make a mini coop for them and put it in the coop with the adults so they can see each other but not touch each other. When they are all the same size, then you can put them all together. I have 4 chicks that are 9 weeks old and are living in their mini coop until they are big enough to live with the 8 month old chickens that I have now. I will take out the mini coop when the small ones are 16 weeks old. Good luck and have fun with your new chicks!

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