Do they go out in all kinds of weather?

Never know, a smack in the head with a flying rooster might do wonders for ya Impy.

Funny, the rooster said the same thing.

Impy- right before impact

BTW- I don't have a pop door. I have to blockade the pop hole, to keep them in.
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Same here. The ducks actually seem to enjoy the rain, and some of my chickens really don't mind the rain, while others would rather stay in their henhouse.
I open the door every day. Today it was pouring rain. No matter when I checked on them almost all of them were outside scratching around in the puddles. If it is windy though I notice they will stay inside more.
thanks everyone, i have to say i had no idea about this, i have NEVER had chickens before so this is all new to me
And now anytime it is windy i shall have the vision of Roosters being whipped around,lol h itting people on their way by,lol:lol:
As for winters, that may be location dependent. Here, temps got down into the single digits overnight, teens during the day for a bit, and I still opened the pop door for them each day to give them the option. Mine would NOT do snow however, unless I shoveled an area clear for them or threw down a bunch of straw for them to walk around on. Mine will go out in light sprinkles, but not decent rain. But I still give them the option...
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Yep, every day at 7 a.m. door is open to run. They love to come outside, except when broody. They came out when it was 2 degrees and 3 ft. of snow as long as they had a path to stand in. They don't seem to like the wind, but a little rain or snow is fine.
mine don't like snow but i have a "run" under my coop (tractor type) so in the winter I put the coop next to the house about two feet out and board up the other 3 sides with wood and plexiglass (adds heat) they love it. in the summer they get moved to the mulched are (lots of bug and worms) and i use snow fence to keep them in. the door to the coop is always open and they are always out. if I can't be home they only get the underneath run
The ONLY time I ever didn't "open the door" for them were times when the weather's windspeeds would exceed 60 MPH. Then, I would only open the back, and cover the holes in their little "run" so all they have is a large run, covered with bird netting, so they don't get hit by debris or get blown away. Last time I let my girls and boys free range in a windstorm, I lost two Polish into the forest for 2 weeks. . . . Not happening again.

Otherwise, I allow them to free range in 13 degree weather, hail, rain (happens everyday anyways) snow (for the RARE occasion that happens) and so on.

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