Do they know their flockmate is gone?

I do know how you feel. We lost a beautiful wyandotte last summer. The rest of her girls did mourn her. They returned to normal after a few days. I think it takes longer for us, especially when a predator gets one.
When the first hen from my roosters flock died, he would go looking and calling for her when it was time to go into the coop for the night. He did that for about 4-5 days and then he was ok.. I don't have predator problems here but where my dad lives they do and they say that if something kills one of their chickens, it will definitely be back and hanging around for a good week or so watching your flock.
Yeah, we saw it again this morning by the coop but it didn't go in the trap.

I'm sure that darn thing will be watching our property like a hawk

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