Do White geese set their own eggs????

davony's chicks

10 Years
May 30, 2009
Ok, so I got a pair of white geese a few weeks ago. They have laid their first egg and kind of buried in the straw nest she made. Will she set her own eggs or will I have to incubate. How many eggs will they lay before they set?

I have never had geese. These apparently aren't chinese geese because they don't have that bump. The only thing I could find was a white goose. Is this the correct name?

There are several kinds of white geese. You can look em up on and see what ya got.

When I let my geese sit on eggs, they lay around 8 to 12 eggs then go to sitting on them.
I have decided that mine must be Embden.

What does everyone fed their geese? Can I feed my geese the same thing I feed my chickens. I feed them cracked corn mixed with feed store 16% layer crumbles.

I feed mine the same as my chickens - lay crumbles. They don't eat much of it because they are mostly pasture fed. If you have enough space for them to free range the food is less important.
During the warmer months my geese don't eat any feed. They eat almost exclusively 'greens' when in season. Otherwise, my geese have access to the same feed I give my chickens (20% layer pellets and cracked corn) but they almost always bypass the 'feed' pan for the 'corn' pan.
Thanks for all of your help.

I can't let them free range yet. I think they would just leave my property as I don't have it fenced. Maybe after they get use to living here I can let them out durning the day to free range. I use to do this with my ducks until I forgot to put them up one night and a coon or something killed them! That will never happen again!

They are very scared of me so I hope they will get use to me soon.

YES! They can do it themselves

And, mine took a good 6-9 months to get used to me. Now they eat from my hand! (well, some of them including the oldest largest gander)
I agree that you should keep them close to start. Of my original 6, one flew away and I never got her back. Now, the population goes up and down, currently at 7 but none run away because now they know this is home.
I second the layer pellets and corn but also just wanted to say that wheat is higher in B vitamins and is better for geese. I feed layer pellets and corn because its cheap but I also give cracked wheat sometimes. I buy whole wheat and run it through my own mill. One great thing you can give them is dandelion. I harvest the root for herbal use and give the pile of leaves to the geese. They go crazy! Good luck with your new geese.
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Thank you! I love the picture! They are too cute! You are very lucky.

I have my pair in a pen that is about 14x14 with a large dog house and a wading pool. I hope mine will get use to me like yours did so that I can let them out during the day to free range.

Thnak you for sharing!

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