Do you break/bend any rules during the harsh winters?


May 5, 2020
central KY
I keep my water and feed outside in the run. I do this for a number of reasons (keeping the coop clean, dry, pests, etc.). However, now that the temps are down in the single digits and will stay that way for a number of days, I'm wondering if I should bend/break my rule and bring their feed/water into the run during this time.

Anyone else make those changes during the harsh weather or just let keep things the same?
I put a dish of snow in the coop and they nosh on that instead of coming out for water in the heated bowl. I put food in the coop, but remove it every night, so that's nothing new.

If any birds were still molting, I'd leave the nest boxes open for the poor porcupines to sleep in. Since they've all refeathered themselves, I want them to huddle up together to keep each other warm.

If they don't come out during the day, then chickie snack is served in the coop mid-afternoon, and it's a mixture of BOSS, mealworms, and their feed, scattered on the coop floor. They have to work at it.

Normally, BOSS and mealworms are once a week, max.
I keep things the same - food and water in the coop.

I did move the water bucket on top of a slab of 2" foam board insulation, though. It is inside a bigger pail so they can't eat the foam board. Now the water will stay drinkable from dawn until after they roost for the night without a heater or changing out the water - down at least as low as single digit highs.

I tried spray foam around the sides too (between the water bucket and the bigger pail) but so far have just made messes. If the temps drop more, I might try again or try a different kind of insulation there or adding a hot water bottle there. Or not bother. I check on them; I just don't want to have to do so.
Here it’s been super rainy and cold so I have break the rules and put food and water in the coop. I also always pour the water far from the coop/outside of it and same with the feed if there’s any left over! I just remove both at night because it dips below freezing when the sun sets and I’m afraid of frost bite cuz of the water
I do, too. Food and water go in the coop when it’s lower than 25 ish degrees here. At that rate the water freezes too quickly here and there is only power in the coop, so I use a heated waterer.

I also supply heat when it gets under 20 degrees. I know people say that they don’t need it, but I love my chickens and I can safely supply them heat, so I do. We just use radiant heaters. It’s been ranging from -35 to -10 here the past 5 days/nights, so I have no problem helping my girls through the frigid temps.

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