Do you ever secretly wonder if........

I agree

and to the OP I almost spat my coffee out .. Your kid is a few sammiches shy of a basket full?

my dh and I were having this conversation about my ds the other day.. some of the things he does makes you want to shake your head and he is 12.

quick story:
I got a call from his school saying that my ds may have ingested a "unknown white drug"
So the story goes like this...
his friend dared him to so he tasted it. then his iminagation got the best of him, he started having heart palpitations (he said his heart was fluttering), sweating, really pale complexion, felt generally ill

so we rush him off to the ER.. tox screen came back negitive
local police tell me a few days later it was baking powder..

so ds is not going to a drug education class for 4 saurdays in a row, 6 hour classes... which also includes a field trip to the local rehab facility for a private 1:1 chit chat with an addict... (there will be another nurse in the room just for observation)

as for chewing on the frozen soother... she may be cutting teeth too! what about her molars?...

my DD is 7 and she does the same thing.. crawls around like an animal (drives me crazy) and yes she talks to herself..imaginary friends are good
Okay, I'm not a parent, so feel free to ignore me, but these just sound like highly creative children. If you can hang on they'll turn into super creative adults who problem solve by thinking outside the box. As long as you don't kill 'em first.
I have a DD 11, I am so glad I am not alone. She scoots herself around on the floor pretending to be a barking dog or a bawking chicken. I had been wondering myself about her.
you are so right... my DD is FAR more creative then both my boys... and she is the one with all the imaginary friends and bounces around the house like an animal
Sounds like the "middle childitis"! I'm not the special first born, or the new shiny baby, I want attention too! Watch the Brady Bunch with poor Jan always being stuck between Marsha and Cindy.
I remember at that age spreading a blanket out on the living room floor as a stage and then giving concerts...singing along to the old Johnny Cash/Carter Family 33-1/3 LPs.

Or putting on Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass and dancing.

My poor mother.
We just had an impromptu concert given by all the kids at a Christmas party I went to. I loved it! It was the cutest thing ever. I'll bet your mother treasured the memories of those concerts. I know I will.

My daughter is wildly creative, so I have been enjoying reading everyone's stories. She comes from a creative family so if she acted normal we would be more worried.
There is a diagnosis for this behavior,'s called childhood. Apparently in the last decade or so there has been a attempt to erradicate it through medication.
But have you had your child tested. Many doctors diagnose ADD/ADHD without testing for Aspergers at all. I'm not saying that it is Aspergers but the similarity in what you describe is uncanny. I would at the least have your child tested so it can be ruled out.
Mine's too 'I'm not a baby' to sink to the teether.... not for chewing... he might put it in his mouth and pretend to be a dog though... chew toy you know. But that is NOT the same as chewing on a teething ring... oh no... not the same at all.

Pfft... I swear I need a video camera... I've gone outside to see my hubby in a 'robe' throwing 'spells' (red tennis ball = fire, blue TB=ice, yellow TB=lightning), while son the 'fighter' is using this 'broad sword', and the neighbor is using his 'bow' (long slightly curved stick) to shoot flaming (invisible) arrows, and daughter is running about as the 'rogue' trying to pick the mulberry tree... err... "Dragon's" pockets.

I seriously doubt yours is going to top that.... OY

But, I also knew a kid... lived around the corner from MIL. When SIL and hers were living there (waiting on house) this kid played with her eldest. I was over there once, to pick up mine, and Tommy came around the corner holding a 'laser beam gun" or some such... when he saw me he immediately dropped his hands, got that serious look and started making excuses... to explain that he wasn't in fact playing an imaginary game... poor kid thought he was in TROUBLE for playing pretend... at the ripe old age of... maybe 8. Evidently those kinds of 'baby games' aren't allowed in their household. I have nothing but pity for a child who's parents stifle their imagination. He's a child, not just a really short accountant sheesh.

SO... after those two very polar examples... I'd definitely have your kiddo... how can a person have hopes and dreams if they cannot imagine anything different from the way it currently is? Now... if when they're older and do such a thing at a job interview... then maybe you should have a talk. Other than that... Why not join in the fun? *tosses tennis ball*

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