Do you have a sign on your coop?

I don't have pics up yet of my coop, but I'm planning on putting some up soon. My coop has lots of decorations. I have a sign that has a rooster on it and it reads HOME SWEET HOME which is above the human door. I have stickers of hens and roosters on the inside along with 3 framed Disney pictures. On the outside I have 2 wind chimes hanging off of each side of the roof. In the middle of the outside hanging from the roof is an American Flag. Inside their run is a Little Tikes playset with a slide. My chickens LOVE their house & yard.
We just finished the coop enough to get chickens. We were in such a rush to get them - no patience at all. We have a little more cosmetic work to complete it, but it's sturdy and safe for the chickens. We don't have a sign up yet, but we've decided to call it Der Schloss Chicken. Little mix of German and English...Der Schloss = The castle, so we get The Castle of Chickens.

I'll upload some pics soon.

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