Do You Have An Opinion On Killing Predators?

Everyone has the freedom to do as they see fit, within the confines of the law. I find it unnerving though to think of how many people are carrying weapons around "just in case." I really believe that only maybe 1% of all gun owners ACTUALLY have the knowledge and experience to handle that weapon properly in an emergency situation.

But even with chickens and protecting them with a shotgun or rifle, I have concerns. There are some instances where shooting wild animals or dogs is appropriate on a case by case situation. But just to implement a sweeping, "If it moves, shoot it" policy, is troublesome to me.

As someone else mentioned, some people do tend to think that those of us who don't free range, are cruel. People envision tiny cages that are crowded or hot or wet and dirty. We built a large enclosure so that would not be the case for my birds. I took these 2 pictures last night. (They look old due to an effect I applied with Instagram.) Anyway, the birds only get out when I'm there so I can chickensit. And I like that, because it's my stress relieving time anyway. Just sitting out under a tree watching them do their chicken things is the greatest enjoyment I can think of. The run is 24x27 feet, by 6 feet high. Their chicken house is 8 feet high and 10x12. Even the spritely little Hamburg hens can fly around in a cicle and get some good loft. They have fans running all the time when its hot, both in their chicken house, and in the run. In the winter we have panels to put up around the run to block wind and snow. The run and the house are cleaned daily. They get all kinds of vegetables and fruit in addition to their grain mix and layer crumbles.

They have a darned good life, and I like this setup so much better than being in constant fear of something coming in the yard and grabbing one. I just can't live with that kind of stress, and responsibility. I need to know that they are as protected as possible at all times .

But yes, everyone has the right to do whatever works best for them. And if that's keeping a loaded shotgun by your back door and running across the lawn in the middle of the night, then go for it.

Everyone has the freedom to do as they see fit, within the confines of the law. I find it unnerving though to think of how many people are carrying weapons around "just in case." I really believe that only maybe 1% of all gun owners ACTUALLY have the knowledge and experience to handle that weapon properly in an emergency situation.

But even with chickens and protecting them with a shotgun or rifle, I have concerns. There are some instances where shooting wild animals or dogs is appropriate on a case by case situation. But just to implement a sweeping, "If it moves, shoot it" policy, is troublesome to me.

As someone else mentioned, some people do tend to think that those of us who don't free range, are cruel. People envision tiny cages that are crowded or hot or wet and dirty. We built a large enclosure so that would not be the case for my birds. I took these 2 pictures last night. (They look old due to an effect I applied with Instagram.) Anyway, the birds only get out when I'm there so I can chickensit. And I like that, because it's my stress relieving time anyway. Just sitting out under a tree watching them do their chicken things is the greatest enjoyment I can think of. The run is 24x27 feet, by 6 feet high. Their chicken house is 8 feet high and 10x12. Even the spritely little Hamburg hens can fly around in a cicle and get some good loft. They have fans running all the time when its hot, both in their chicken house, and in the run. In the winter we have panels to put up around the run to block wind and snow. The run and the house are cleaned daily. They get all kinds of vegetables and fruit in addition to their grain mix and layer crumbles.

They have a darned good life, and I like this setup so much better than being in constant fear of something coming in the yard and grabbing one. I just can't live with that kind of stress, and responsibility. I need to know that they are as protected as possible at all times .

But yes, everyone has the right to do whatever works best for them. And if that's keeping a loaded shotgun by your back door and running across the lawn in the middle of the night, then go for it.

I'm with you I like big coops. I let my chickens range but only when I'm with them. Still gotta keep a close eye out all the time. Just yesterday a young bobcat had the nerve to come up to the coop. I do keep my guns loaded. I have a lot of birds which make a lot of noise & I'm assuming the cat heard this & decided he/she was gonna check things out. I shot three times missing everytime hoping I got a few pellets in the cat. It ran in my barn & some how got away. All my coops/pens are atleast 300sq ft some 500 sq ft. Birds need a lot of space.
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Well said.

Lol it's fun though!
Just gotta get loose sometimes, ya know? I like to stare at birds sometimes too but if the weather is right there's nothing better than running around outside like a maniac.
Everyone has the freedom to do as they see fit, within the confines of the law. I find it unnerving though to think of how many people are carrying weapons around "just in case." I really believe that only maybe 1% of all gun owners ACTUALLY have the knowledge and experience to handle that weapon properly in an emergency situation.

But even with chickens and protecting them with a shotgun or rifle, I have concerns. There are some instances where shooting wild animals or dogs is appropriate on a case by case situation. But just to implement a sweeping, "If it moves, shoot it" policy, is troublesome to me.

As someone else mentioned, some people do tend to think that those of us who don't free range, are cruel. People envision tiny cages that are crowded or hot or wet and dirty. We built a large enclosure so that would not be the case for my birds. I took these 2 pictures last night. (They look old due to an effect I applied with Instagram.) Anyway, the birds only get out when I'm there so I can chickensit. And I like that, because it's my stress relieving time anyway. Just sitting out under a tree watching them do their chicken things is the greatest enjoyment I can think of. The run is 24x27 feet, by 6 feet high. Their chicken house is 8 feet high and 10x12. Even the spritely little Hamburg hens can fly around in a cicle and get some good loft. They have fans running all the time when its hot, both in their chicken house, and in the run. In the winter we have panels to put up around the run to block wind and snow. The run and the house are cleaned daily. They get all kinds of vegetables and fruit in addition to their grain mix and layer crumbles.

They have a darned good life, and I like this setup so much better than being in constant fear of something coming in the yard and grabbing one. I just can't live with that kind of stress, and responsibility. I need to know that they are as protected as possible at all times .

But yes, everyone has the right to do whatever works best for them. And if that's keeping a loaded shotgun by your back door and running across the lawn in the middle of the night, then go for it.

That's a pretty set-up you got there, ours used to be pretty too until the chickens/ducks/turkeys ate every green thing in site LOL. Um I accidently got my text into the blue part, I don't know how to get it out.
They did eat all the green stuff within about 2 months or so inside the run. So then we brought in a load of sand and did some land scaping inside the run with the sand and some large rocks and a huge old tree stump and fake trees. It still looks ok, although it's just sand. Definitely not as pretty as before though.

The little songbirds like finches squeak right through the squares in the bird netting (can we say poorly designed bird netting!!) and get inside. Sometimes there will be 20-30 finches inside with the chickens, and they're all eating together out of the feeders. So the artificial trees give them somewhere to perch. I'm sure that it's not the healthiest thing for the chickens to be among the birds, but what are you gonna do? If they were free ranging, they'd be exposed to wild birds also.
They did eat all the green stuff within about 2 months or so inside the run. So then we brought in a load of sand and did some land scaping inside the run with the sand and some large rocks and a huge old tree stump and fake trees. It still looks ok, although it's just sand. Definitely not as pretty as before though.

The little songbirds like finches squeak right through the squares in the bird netting (can we say poorly designed bird netting!!) and get inside. Sometimes there will be 20-30 finches inside with the chickens, and they're all eating together out of the feeders. So the artificial trees give them somewhere to perch. I'm sure that it's not the healthiest thing for the chickens to be among the birds, but what are you gonna do? If they were free ranging, they'd be exposed to wild birds also.
There's nothing you can do. Hopefully, the birds you have are healthy & their ammune system will kick in & fight anything there faced with. You can't fight mother nature but you can try & keep your birds healthy for this reason.
The little songbirds like finches squeak right through the squares in the bird netting (can we say poorly designed bird netting!!) and get inside. Sometimes there will be 20-30 finches inside with the chickens, and they're all eating together out of the feeders. So the artificial trees give them somewhere to perch. I'm sure that it's not the healthiest thing for the chickens to be among the birds, but what are you gonna do? If they were free ranging, they'd be exposed to wild birds also.
Truly beautiful set-up, but I think it's best to exclude wild birds from the coop and run, because they potentially carry diseases and parasites which affect chickens. Yes, chickens are exposed to wild birds when free ranging, but they are not usually exposed to a high concentration of droppings as occurs at feeders which see heavy activity. To exclude wild birds from the runs, we used 1/2 inch hardware cloth.

We also stopped feeding wild birds within or near the fenced in yard where our chickens range, because our chickens were attracted to the spilled seed underneath, where wild bird droppings tend to build up.

20-30 is a pretty high concentration of wild birds in that run, eating together with your chickens. I would definitely do something about it, if at all possible.
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Everyone has the freedom to do as they see fit, within the confines of the law. I find it unnerving though to think of how many people are carrying weapons around "just in case." I really believe that only maybe 1% of all gun owners ACTUALLY have the knowledge and experience to handle that weapon properly in an emergency situation.
1 % ? Hopefully this is hyperbole.
Originally Posted by RaeRae2

Everyone has the freedom to do as they see fit, within the confines of the law. I find it unnerving though to think of how many people are carrying weapons around "just in case." I really believe that only maybe 1% of all gun owners ACTUALLY have the knowledge and experience to handle that weapon properly in an emergency situation.

1%.... ?!?!?!
99% of the people i have been in contact with over the years pride themselves in safety of ownership.
Sorry, i don't appreciate the stereotyping either... I find it insulting!

I don't think personal attacks are necessary, really?
Just because my views are different than yours?
I for one, was a law enforcement officer for 11 years.
Worked with 4H and scouts during hunter education training, and have a healthy respect for any gun.
I think i am qualified to handle a firearm, and know when NOT to use one.
Being a gun owner does not mean uneducated, and last i checked its my right as American to do so..
As far as my livestock, they are confined in chain link covered coops and runs unless I am out with them.
I have lost my last animal to a stray dog, or coyote, raccoon etc... not going to happen again.
The rifle and i will handle it as I see necessary.

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