Do you PLAY with your kids?

most definatly

we have a lot of battles, mainly as power ranger although for some reason my DS (5) is always the red ranger and im the evil one

my DD(9) and other DS (1) dont want to play with us though. I think half the time when we play imagination games im the biggest child of the lot!

good luck with your venture - it sound fun!
I play with my GD all the time she makes it impossible not to shes in pretend mode 90% of the time. The other day I was dora and then I was boots, next day I was the prince and it didnt seem fair she always gets to be the princess
. my princess makes me all kinds of food with her kitchen too but it always taste like pastic lol.
I think that is maybe the reason I chose to homeschool. I thought I was sort of alone playing with them. My mom always played with us, so I play with mine. My husband too. We just don't let too many people see it ( they think we're too childlike if we play with our own children) My mom used to build entire villages out of recycled materials, and we helped. It is some of my best memories. Go to you'll find some nice free cut out instructions for farm,village,towns, castles cool stuff.
OK I have given this even MORE thought! We homeschool, and there are soo many learning possibilities to this....So I am currently MAKING the play money on my computer and going to print it off here.

I am going to have some goals set for the kids' families and the town they create. Someone is going to have to run for mayor. They are going to need a town council...they are going to need to decide if they want to zone it and if so, for what? Will they allow farm animals, etc.

A minimum wage will be set, etc. This way the kids can learn how to count money, hone in on those math skills!

We will set up a school for the family's kids....then the kids will have to decide if they are going to send their kids to school or homeschool!

The possibilities here are endless! It's a lifetime of play right in our home!
I always played with my son. He is now almost 21 and we still do things together, go to the movies or shopping or for a walk or whatever. My son is good with all my nieces and nephews he gets down and plays lego's or what ever. They all love him. Kids love it when you give them attention. I never cared what anyone else thought. So try not to worry about that. If other people think anything it should be guilt that they don't play with their kids or give them any attention. Maybe whats wrong with some of these kids today. They all get stuff just not the stuff they need.
Thank you!!!!! I am going there now!

I am so excited to start this project! I don't need to buy the families either, my DD has Barbies, Littlest Pet shop, boys have cars, etc. their families can be any of the toys we already have!
I never "played" with my kids. We played board games or tossed balls around and such, but I let them play and use their own imagination. I think it was because my family never played with me when I was younger. They encouraged me to be independent and do my own thing as a child, which I wanted for my kids too. Don't get me wrong, there were many times I wanted to get down and play Barbies with my daughter, lol I just resisted the urge. My kids and I laugh about it now and they are actually glad I didn't play with them, which I found interesting. We are very close and do things together now (they are 15 and 11) so I don't think my hands off approach really hurt them or our relationship any. It worked for us, is what I'm trying to say. Each to their own
my family didnt play with me either.. but I definatly play with my kids they are contstantly asking me to and I will with chores doen ect.. we work then play then work then play.. I love jumping on the trampolene with them.. we build forts... we wrestle and tickle.. and I try and "Play" at least twice a week.. I make that time... hard at first but I do it and in the end enjoy it.
I have always loved playing with my son. Since Dash was not one to tussle around and play ball in the yard Bill and I had a lot more of bonding time than I could ever had imagined. Plus, having an only child has always meant that I was the chief pal and also the enforcer of the rules. Which is still a huge problem around here.

Back to the point though... Though I'm not a huge fan of playing with dolls or make-up, if Bill had been a girl I would have sucked it up and played Barbie to the best of my ability. I feel like it is beyond important to spend that time with your children so that you build social awareness of each other and develop communication that will be vital as they grow older.

Do yourself a favor and enjoy your boys too. They aren't young very long and you will really regret that you didn't. Housework can wait until after they're asleep.

Now Bill is a teenager and we still enjoy Family Fun Night every weekend. We are even joined by his friends on most weekends. He is a great kid with great friends and I doubt we would be aware as we are if not for the play time together.

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