Do you use a chart or anything to keep up with your eggs?

Hello Maam, Sounds Like U Need A Trapnest To Take Away The Mystery. I Have A Thread Going On Right Now Called The Trap Nesting Thread. I'm Test Running My Setup Right Now And Will Start Logging My Eggs For The Whole Year For Each Bird I Own Starting Nov.1 Its Very Easy All The Info Can Be Found On The Thread,
I am a little perplexed that none of the posters previous to me have questioned your first day 14 eggs from 5 hens. I do not know of a single breed that lays more than one egg per day, so im thinking that you just missed the eggs accumulating in the nest, then suddenly discovered eggs that had been being layed for many days prior. Anyway best of luck....its ok to count your eggs, but never count your chickens before they just couldn't pass that opportunity up. wink
I use a 1$ calender(rooster one @ Michaels) Every day I post how many eggs and green example 24/3 second # always green. And under that how many doz sold and how many given away. I have a diary/ also from Michaels. That I keep each day, month and year total. Also adding incoming and outgoing girls. I don't do anything w/ these numbers, just enjoy charting. (I'm a retired nurse by trade... we chart EVERYTHING)
I was using my own excel spreadsheet, but I like just posting in eggzy & clicking on my stats. I do put some stuff on the calendar, but then I usually add it to the computer on something else.
I started using as I like their layout and the ability to have a "stand" where others can find me (unlikely here, but you never know). But I also wanted some more detailed tracking (who I sell eggs to, for how much, details on feed/supplies, etc) so I made my own spreadsheet as well.
I use the free calendars from
Put how many eggs from the day on it daily, the tempature and rain/snow fall.
It helps by keeping track of production, changes of production due to weather, helps me track from year to year the number of chickens vs the number of eggs.
Don't keep up with the cost of feed and supplies as I know I spend way more on these things than I get back money wise for the eggs, but I enjoy the chickens and free fertilizer and less bugs, kitchen scraps and the fresh meat.
I am using the egg chart spreadsheet and it is great! I have a copy saved ready for next year which if anyone wants I will forward to them. If you want to use it for 2011, just save a copy as that year and away you go!

Just email me and I will send it out, I got it for free and will willingly pass it on.....

Wow 14 eggs in one day?? We have 13 chickens that have just recently started to lay & the most we have gotten in one day is 3. I'm starting to worry they are eating them or hiding them somewhere.
Had my daughter make me a spreadsheet with a column for the date,# eggs in the box at the start of the day,one for check marks on eggs collected,the daily total and running tally. The running tally is my favorite because it lets you see the sheer # of eggs these little creatures produce. My girls started laying in early October last year but didnt start counting them til June this year. From June 1 to Sept 15 we got 815 eggs not counting drops(maybe a half dozen) from 10 layers. In those 7 months not counted can only guess how many,maybe 1000-1200. The girls layed fairly well through winter 6 a day avg. Just amazes me what the birds can do.
Not counting my newly laying Buffs 15 eggs because they are not the biggest things I have ever seen. Beautiful shape and color but lack size. I know, I know the size will come.
They weren't in a nest, they were BESIDE the nest box that is ALWAYS moved to make sure there are no eggs. So I have NO CLUE. The coop is not dark, so you can see during the daylight hours. So I don't know. The only thing I can figure is that my 10yro could not see into the corner even after moving the boxes out of the way (they aren't heavy) and that someone had been laying there all along but we never even seen any of the pullets going in exept at night when it was bed time. With the other rooster being in there all the time, they just stayed out with the other roo, well he kept them out.

Yeah, we don't count the chickens before they hatch! Wish I could get that saying through my dil and son's heads!!!!

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