Do your chickens drink beer?

my Uncle had free roaming chicks onhis farm. After along day, my da and he would crackone and shoo the breeze. There was a rooster that would come running and get his share outta a tin cup from the hand pump. In a few minutes he would flap and CROW, and fall over.
Then he would stomp off and try to trackdown some hens, but never walked straight. Dad said he was related...
First of all I was unaware that that alcohol causes cancer. I doubt that its healthy for them. But I doubt they will get cancer from it. May kill some brain cells. But I have never seen a really intelligent chicken. Consuming alcohol thin the blood my help the tu Ker in moderation. By the way there are plenty of poultry people who are deliberately fermenting feed to feed their chickens to make them healthier... Hmmm.
Mine seem to demand about 2 cans a day and about 6  of 50 gather around and seem to be the drunks. They hear the cans a poppin and come running.  Does anybody have this situation? They dont act drunk but sure do like suckin up the suds . Just wondering. hey I have no problem with this as I am always willing to share.  And worst case scenario I am tenderizing them as they go IMO, Any one else care to share?

Just started a new thread for making beer..
/img/smilies/lol.png my Uncle had free roaming chicks onhis farm. After along day, my da and he would crackone and shoo the breeze. There was a rooster that would come running and get his share outta a tin cup from the hand pump. In a few minutes he would flap and CROW, and fall over./img/smilies/lau.gif Then he would stomp off and try to trackdown some hens, but never walked straight. Dad said he was related...

Did they brew? Just started a new thread for the spent grains.. Join in..
If you have evidence that a small amount of beer will hurt a chicken please cite sources. I do not believe this to be true. Many birds in many places eat fruit that has fermented to the point where there is alcohol present with no lasting ill effects.
Yes - I'm sure they would have a much better life living in a stack of 2x2 cages in a warehouse in their own filth. Give me a break.
My chicken is so funny - she always comes running when she sees my beer....she wants my cig butts too, but I put my foot over them and tell her no - she tugs at my shoe strings and pecks on my foot....but tonight had to be a first! I told her to come back out to finish her cucumber and she was jumping at the beer can, there might have been MAYBE 5 drops left and I poured it in her dish and she was so happy - hahahaha!!! I will not make it a habit that is for sure, but I could not believe that is what she wanted........btw she has not been drinking her water and put electrolytes in it...she is not feeling well, but I am still laughing at this one.....:lau:lau:lau:lau

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