Do your hens like to be held?

I've got an australorp hen that refuses to let me out of sight! She sits on my lap and fall asleep sometimes, too
I have just two cochin hens, and we raised ours from chicks with a lot of love and attention, too. One loves being held and comes to me every time I open the door. The other had always been skittish. I basically trained her to be held with the old Pavlov's Dog routine. When I open the door, Vivienne runs up to me, so I pick her up, hold her for a minute, give her some love, put her down then give her a treat. This brings BB closer to take a look and see that I have treats. I would catch her, hold her, give her some love, you get the drill, put her down and give her a treat. They quickly learn to trust you and associate being held with getting a treat. I trained them so I could pick them up by leaning over a 4-foot fence I have around their grass run, so I wouldn't have to undo the fencing every time I needed to move them to their coop area. Now when I go out, I just put my hands out and they literally step into my hands to be picked up. They may have also learned this takes them to their coop, as well.

They're surprisingly smart. Can't make them love you or enjoy affection, but you can train them to do things and trust you. Good luck!
I have a small flock too. But only one girl truly seems to like being cuddled and will stretch out on my lap like dust bathing - and that's my buff Must be a common trait
I still cuddle everyone (except the little roo), but mostly they just tolerate it
On occasion (not regularly) my BR and my salmon fav. will hop up on my lap for a few pets (more likely they're hoping for treats..hehee).
Guess I have to make my girls work for their treats more to get used to me. The problem is that my Buff Orpington is just so darn cute and lovable that she hops up and will grab at all the treats. Maybe I can get my DH to hold her while I work on the others.
i have 8 rhode island reds and only about 3 of them like to be held one of them is my rooster.....i make sure every night when i lock up my coop i pat everyone of the chickens...
Oh, I go out there each night and tickle their tummy's before they fall asleep. The one who likes to be held, LOVES it. Two others tollerate it and the 4th one will let out a huge BWACK!!! and she stands up. She's a Jersey Giant and I'm seeing that other Jersey Giants are less than fond of attention and love. So maybe it's the bird and not me.
I'm working on it!!!

I have found the two I have left that I raised in the brooder are the friendliest. Wilhimena/Willie will let me pet her she is a Delaware, but not really pick up. Henrietta is an Ameraucana and she will run to me, but not pick up either.

When I was a kid, a friend of mine raised chicks for science fair. We would play with those chicks none stop, all of them could be held and handled b/c we messed with them about 2 hours after school each day. And they were RIR! I am now told they can be finicky; we didn't know that then. So, I know it is how much you handle and spend time.

I think Willie has hope. I want a lap hopper!

Proud Mama to: 1Delaware, 3Ameraucana, 1OEBantam, 1BCM, 1Black Silkie, 1Mille Fleur, 1 Service Dog, 2 Pet Dogs, 1Parrot, A LoT of Lizards, THE SNAKES,
and 1 very understanding DH!
I only have four hens (2 production reds, 1 Australorp, 1 cuckoo marans), but they all take turns hopping in my lap for treats. The top hen goes first and until she's done the others have to eat what is scattered. My rooster (RIR/white rock mutt) isn't a lap hopper, but allows me to pick him up and stroke his belly. He really likes vaseline on his comb this time of year and will stand on the perch and lean into me as I rub his comb. As huge as he is I am grateful he ISN'T a lap chicken.

Mine all get much more cuddly in winter. Instead of eat and run, they want to linger and take a nap with me warming their feet. Don't you love that purr? The top hen is much less tolerant of petting, so that is how I encourage her to move on and make room for the next visitor. All the handling sure makes life easier if you have to tend a hurt one or give them all a flea bath!

I acquired them all as started pullets about 5 weeks old. the Australorp is the least friendly, but it may be due to her low rank and the higher hens keeping her away. In all ways they prefer hopping onto me above being picked up. They really don't like the feeling of being grabbed. Instead I place the arm I want them to step onto behind them, then my other hand at their chest, and scoop them up. Mine have learned to step back onto the "perch" arm and allow me to carry them around.

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