Does a broken feather grow back?


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
St. Amant, LA
A judge had took points off one of my birds because his 2nd primary feather was broken off about halfway down.
I never had noticed this. Will it grow back or should I pull it and let it grow back?
Many people break the feathers so the bleeding will be less when it's pulled. It helps the feather "dry" up. After a week, you pull it and there's little to no blood and it's not nearly as hard to pull out.
If you break a blood feather, however, your bird will continue to bleed until you pluck it. And you have to pluck this one in order for it to grow back before the bird molts.
Well, I tried pulling it today and it feels like pulling a metal rod out. This feather shaft is very big.
I don't think i want too hurt him or make him bleed.

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