Does a Light Brahma count as a meat bird?


5 Years
Jul 7, 2014
Does a Light Brahma count as a meat bird? I know with meat and market birds you are only supposed to feed them for 12 hours a day so they don't get a heart attack. I know Cornish count as this but I was wondering if it was for Light Brahma breeds too.

My light Brahma rooster is free range. He is very young (5-6 months old) and still has a lot of maturing to do. Since he lives with the turkeys, he is fed turkey food (18% protein) and is growing very well. I do not do the whole light things. When I get up (between 6AM and 8AM) I let them out, crush up some dried bread and throw out for all of the birds. Then I allow them to free range until 3-4PM when they are given their regular food and allowed to eat whatever they want of that (normally it is not much) and they go back out to free range through our yard. He was abused when we got him (first picture), but I would say his diet now is turning him into quite the handsome boy (second picture). The first picture (the day I got him) is him covered in rabbit urine and a walking skeleton (his comb and wattles were also very, very pale from not receiving the correct nutrition or any sunlight). The second picture is from a few days ago of him lounging around in the sun. It has been about two or three months since we have had him. Still skinny, but is gaining weight and growing like a weed.

And, from what my 4-H books and several other sources state that Brahmas were developed like a meat breed, however, I would consider them more of just a large breed of chicken. They are slow growing. You should have nothing to worry about your's having a heart attack or anything like it.
Thank you for rescuing the Brahma Palmroyal. He looks to be one happy and healthy looking boy, he owes you one. Beautiful!!
No problem! I do believe he was taken in by the turkeys and does not socialize with the chickens at all. I need to find a way to get him to pay more attention to his hens I bought him. He is the most calmest poultry I have. I thought he would be a bit more like other chickens and just go crazy all of the time, but he just does his own thing and could care less if people come and pick him up and mess with him.

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