Does Anybody have a problem with this???

wish someone would agree with me......but oh well guess we do stuff differently down here lol everyone i know has a mean rooster and the only reason why mine because i stayed gone a week and my little cousins teased him a lot. I raised him from a bitty and he used to sit in my lap
he's a good boy in all other ways , he very gentle with his hens, he coos at em and feeds them its really cute

Here's My Boy couldn't kill him for nuttin....meats prob
anyways ha
I'm sorry you couldn't find another like minded person....

I hate to say it but if he was my Roo he wouldn't have made it past the first attack. I love my chickens but I will kill any of them if they are mean and vicious...

It's no different than with my dog or my cats. If they were mean I wouldn't have them at all...Although I wouldn't kill my dog or cats, can't eat them and it would be considered "animal cruelty" and plus I couldn't just kill a dog or cat...

Having a kid around a mean roo is dangerous to me though. I mentioned in another post my aunt's rooster used to chase us bad and it was all fun and games until my cousin fell and that rooster jumped on his back and scratched the heck out of him. He was only a little kid and the poor thing was traumatized..My aunt took care of that roo right away... I'm afraid you are in the minority in that view..Nothing wrong with that though.
There are just to many sweet roosters being killed to put up with a mean one. I know you raised this rooster, I would not want to breed that into my chickens I would rather have a nice calm flock. Be careful a large rooster can hurt a child really badly.
I have to disagree that it is in a roosters nature to be aggressive. My sister has 2 and they are both sweet as pie. The kids carry them around and they are not abusive to the hens. The problem I have with aggressive roosters is that they are aggressive to the hens, children, other pets. I decided long ago that I would never keep an aggressive animal on my land. That counts for everything even my cat, dog and horse. If they showed tendencies to be aggressive they would have to go and as far as roosters are concerned I would not like to give them to anyone else because when they got hurt because of a rooster I gave them I would feel absolutely horrible. Just my opinion but I would not keep a rooster or a hen that was aggressive.
I am one who will cull mean roos. I don't cull the meaner hens until I have a replacement for them, I sell eggs. But I process for meat and the meaties have no more or less value than my others, so mean roos go. Just too much stress and liability. I don't like having any aggressive animals on my property. I understand your feelings here, but in my yard people and their safety come first, then animals. This makes us happy and keeps the peace.

what really gets me is how people will have to kill or give up there roosters because they are "too loud" ok so what..... dogs bark so much so why cant they be illegal????? did you know a hen when it clucks its cluck is only 40 decibles??? thats the decibled of a human conversation and a roosters crow is 90 decibles!!! which is as loud as a 90 pound dog bark!!! now isnt that something!!! ok so what if your neightbors complain! we have a dog in the back of my house that wont shut up so i called the police after 3 weeks of non stop barking and all they did was fine rooster crowed once....ONCE.....she called the police....the poice officer took him away.......what i mean by that is he shot him.HE CROWED ONCE AND THAT DOG BARKED 50 MILLION TIMES!!! well thats what gets me is just because roosters crow loudly doesnt mean they cant be pets! this really gets me. oh and after that police officer came the dog started barking so i called the police and they said that if i wanted to i can shoot the dig but since i dont have the heart to do thta i think it will just confront the owner and tell her to buy it a muzzle....well i do that like 10 mins ago and boy i now know where the dog gets it from...that lady can talk and talk and talk and talk...she needs a muzzle of i will do this


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