Does anyone eat goat?


12 Years
Aug 17, 2007
I am pondering on purchasing an extra wether this year to feed out and butcher. I have never eaten goat meat before. So tell me what does it taste like and how does it cook up (greasy, lean etc)
Had it every day in the carribean, curried.

In a roll up sandwich or with rice and beans.


The local Farmers Market sells it here and sells out of it quickly.
My sister raises Boer goats in New York State and we often have curried goat when I visit. I found it to be "rich" and a bit gamey, but it is "sweet" as someone else mentioned. The flavor will also depend on the age when the animal is butchered. My sister has a lot of Jamaican friends and she has so many recipes - not a scrap goes to waste.
It is a very good meat, just like other meats, it's all in the preparation, as well as the feeding of the animal. And yes goat meat is just like venison, not as gamey but the two side by side you couldn't tell much difference. It is awesome, go for it. And for the feed to meat ratio, as well as the short time to slaughter they are alot more economically correct than beef.

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