Does anyone else have leghorns?


7 Years
Jul 9, 2012
I think I've seen only one other person with leghorns. Does anyone else? I know it's not a very popular breed but I'm wondering if anyone else has any. I love my leghorn!
I have a white leghorn hen. She was a rescue chicken -- literally. I rescued her from under a parked car after she ran across a busy street to escape a fox attack that had wiped the rest of the flock in someone's backyard. The owners didn't want her back, so I've had her a couple years now. I named her "Lucky" for obvious reasons.

She is a very easy keeper, and even though she must be nearly 3 years old (if not older) she lays a large white egg almost every day except when she's moulting. She gets along really well with the rest of my flock and is a pleasure to have around.

I'm glad she got a second lease on life!
I think quite a few people have leghorns. They are the best known white egg layer. I think I will get one next year as I have a Campine and just love her. I think they are pretty similar flighty birds.
I had a terribly poor incubation a year ago. Only one chick hatched. We named it Bob and I ran to Tractor supply and picked up 8 of the smallest chicks that they had available. They were all White Leghorns and we called them "The Bob Squad". Bob didn't make it, but the leghorns have done well. Floppy combs and flighty in nature, they are comical. And egg producers? Geesh, these pop eggs out like there's no tomorrow.

But they are flighty. It took major steps to keep them in a run.

<--- My avatar to the right is a White Rock and not a leghorn
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I have white Leghorns. I ordered 10 hens and 2 roosters the last time I got chicks. One of the roosters was the meanest chicken I've ever seen and the hens were very flighty. I advertised some roosters for free and someone took them off my hands. The hens are now very easy going and are great layers.
Yeah, I guess since they aren't really used for meat they're a lot lighter so their wings can carry them farther. Thanks guys, I didn't want to be the only one with leghorns! I love to watch mine run around the yard and she just has to see what everyone else is doing!

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