Does anyone else make up names for your chickens?


9 Years
Dec 25, 2010
Sulphur Louisiana
I call my silkies hobbits because they are the peaceful, docile chickens of the chicken world. My wife also has taken to calling them hobbits. The chicken tractor that they use is called the happy hobbit chicken tractor. I was wondering if anyone else referred to their chickens as something other than a chicken?
I call Silkies Dinosaurs. I don't they just look like something from Jurassic Park

I also call my Brahma biddie birds. I think mainly because when I got them they were smaller than any of my other chicks. And of course now they are the biggest so I guess it went from being a true to being one of those ironic terms.
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They do indeed walk differently than other chickens. What kind of dinosaur would be most like a silkie? Perhaps a softyosauras pex. Maybe dinosaurs were cute and cuddly and thats why they went extinct.
LOL I also chide my hens when they don't lay good and call them "no good hussies". Chickens are stress relievers to me and I get a lot of enjoyment watching their antics.
I call my polish "Maries" because they remind me of someone by that name. Everyone in my family calls them that. I also call my faymouis the "hospital kids" because I had to create a hospital ward for them as chicks. My cochins are "Morgans" because they looked just like my sons friend Morgan as chicks.
Does "slackers" when there're no eggs count?
I call mine the, 'gals'. Originally they were called The Cardboard Corral gang because of the cardboard corral I raised them in.


On a side note, I really liked how the 'round pen' kept the chicks safe. Nobody was caught in a corner and picked on by other chicks.

I did have a young visitor call my gals 'nuns' because of the black feathers they wore.
Ok, this may sound wierd, but i call them Chick-a-birds.
When we got my first chicken, my dad alyays called him "Chicken Bird!!"
I just changed it a little to get Chick-a-birds!!

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