Does anyone have any experience with EZ-Frames Company Bracket Kits?

Well I see that this thread was last year but I figured i would put in my 2 cents worth. I purchased the 8 x 10 one so i could build a greenhouse. I did enclose the back for stability and to put in a attic fan. The joints are more sturdy than i would have thought. but the structure was some what flimsy (for a greenhouse) so i added cattle panels to both sides and that made it very sturdy. The company is not that well run I will agree. I made 7 videos of me building the structure. I just received a email that they want me to take down the vid's?? they dont want the free plug??? Are i would send you to Gadjetgardener (yes with a J) on youtube to watch the videos. (ok 2 through 7 are still up but the 1st is down since i put up photos from their public website) if you inclose it, it should be very sturdy not sure that chicken wire would be strong enough to hold it up but add the cattle panels and your good to go. Thanks for your time
I dont have the space to have chickens (would love to have the fresh eggs though and of course the dropping make great compost!)
Did anyone else ever get their EZ Frame build complete? I know this is an old thread, but I'm seriously thinking about getting the 8x16 and want to know how difficult it was to put together. I'm no carpenter at all! Having the designs and instructions and the brackets make me feel a little confident I could do it. Do you have pics to post? Also, what was your cost for lumber?
Chris, Hi. I don't have an answer for you, but I saw this review on Amazon.

I used to live in Cantonment.
I am also looking at the 8x16 ez frame and enclosing 4x8 at the end and using the rest as a run with hardware cloth. I probably won't start until early next summer. I have 4 hens in a movable ark but I want to expand. I would love to hear more feedback on these.
The brackets and design were easy to use and build. I still have to put siding and wire and a roof on, so no picture, yet.

HOWEVER, delivery and customer service from the company were a NIGHTMARE. I ended up purchasing directly from the company (from their website) and paid using PayPal. It took well over a month. I emailed several times inquiring about delivery, and I kept getting vague or contradictory information and NEVER could get a tracking number to verify they had even shipped it. They finally stopped responding at all. I ended up having to open a dispute through PayPal. That was the only way I was able to get any action from their part. It may have been a two month hassle. I can't remember exactly how long.

If you order, keep track of everything.
Thanks, Chris. That's good to know. I emailed them a question about their product over a month ago and never got a reply. Sounds like they have a good product but don't take care of business. I might try to find a retailer who sells their product.
You might have better luck going through Amazon than I did ordering directly from their site. It's still sold and shipped by them, I'm pretty sure I remember. But MAYBE they honor their Amazon commitments better. Thank goodness I used PayPal so I could have them help solve the problem. Amazon should provide the same protections.

Good luck!

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