Does anyone have experience with vetericyn??


6 Years
Aug 12, 2013
I'm very concerned about my chick being attacked today and was wondering if anyone has used Vetericyn for wound care. Here's my other thread on the injury:

I saw one thread suggesting to use Vetericyn but didn't see anyone commenting on actually using it. Wanted to know any reviews prior to buying it tomorrow.

Right now my dominique still looks a little in shock and just stays in one spot with her eyes closed. She's able to stand but doesn't want to eat or drink.
I'm very concerned about my chick being attacked today and was wondering if anyone has used Vetericyn for wound care. Here's my other thread on the injury:

I saw one thread suggesting to use Vetericyn but didn't see anyone commenting on actually using it. Wanted to know any reviews prior to buying it tomorrow.

Right now my dominique still looks a little in shock and just stays in one spot with her eyes closed. She's able to stand but doesn't want to eat or drink.
I use Vetericyn Hydrogel,it is a excellent product. Use it on all my pets. Give her electrolytes for shock,for pain you can give her a baby aspirin(81mg)dose is 25mg per lb of body weight,sprinkle over feed or place in water. Offer her some of her favorite food,you have to get her to eat,not eating may be related to pain. She will become dehydrated very fast if she is not drinking. Clean her wounds,leave uncovered to allow air to circulate and dry it up. Watch for maggots.
Thank you for your reply and advice, I'll give it a try. Looks like she made it through the night...
I use Vetericyn Hydrogel,it is a excellent product. Use it on all my pets. Give her electrolytes for shock,for pain you can give her a baby aspirin(81mg)dose is 25mg per lb of body weight,sprinkle over feed or place in water. Offer her some of her favorite food,you have to get her to eat,not eating may be related to pain. She will become dehydrated very fast if she is not drinking. Clean her wounds,leave uncovered to allow air to circulate and dry it up. Watch for maggots.
Ok I tried the vetericyn and soaked a cotton ball and let it drip over wounds....i did notice maggots and I'm trying to wipe them off with a q-tip. Will the maggots harm the chick??????????
Ok I tried the vetericyn and soaked a cotton ball and let it drip over wounds....i did notice maggots and I'm trying to wipe them off with a q-tip. Will the maggots harm the chick??????????
Remove the maggots right away,they will eat healthy flesh. You will have to keep flushing out this wound to ensure all maggots are gone,do this repeatedly. Is your hen inside? If maggots are going to be an issue,you will have to cover this wound,use a light sterile gauze,apply an antibiotic ointment(nothing ending in "caine/cane"toxic to chickens) to gauze this will prevent it from sticking to wound.
I have a friend who used Vetrycin on a very badly injured hen (hawk attack) and she said it worked great. I have used it for bumblefoot ad it seems to work as good as Neosporin.
Remove the maggots right away,they will eat healthy flesh. You will have to keep flushing out this wound to ensure all maggots are gone,do this repeatedly. Is your hen inside? If maggots are going to be an issue,you will have to cover this wound,use a light sterile gauze,apply an antibiotic ointment(nothing ending in "caine/cane"toxic to chickens) to gauze this will prevent it from sticking to wound.

yes she is inside in a plastic tub under a heat lamp. should i just run warm water over the head to flush after putting vetericyn??
yes she is inside in a plastic tub under a heat lamp. should i just run warm water over the head to flush after putting vetericyn??
Yes,flush this wound repeatedly(use a saline solution or if none available,use a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide,i know it kills healthy tissue,but maggots are disgusting and i do use hydrogen peroxide on wounds)apply vetericyn again after flushing out wound.

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