Does anyone have pics of Martha Stewart's coop?

Mine's better!
I read a couple of blogs that said it was so great, but the few pics I saw were not that great. The pic posted here is a better shot than I had seen before. It isn't all that, and how many chickens does she have in there? She says that she gets 100 eggs a day, and it doesn't look like she has enough room for that many chickens.

I did like the idea of the lattice work for the walls. Here is Louisiana it is so hot, I could use the lattice and some hardware cloth for the walls.
On one show, she had a different coop. I think she sold that property and was in the process of getting a new coop and new chickens. I know she orders all her from Murray McMurray, as she did this on a show one day. Wonder if this is her new coop above?
I'd love to see the inside of it.

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