Does anyone have pics of Martha Stewart's coop?

I think Martha is awesome
Who's Martha Stewart? Is that Tony's mom? I thought they were from Rushville, IN? Maybe fresh eggs is why he drives so fast?!

I think it's cool that she has chickens but it would be even more impressive if she did so without being ostentatious about it. I know most of her life is a model for what we might all do, if we had the means, but I am far more impressed with what people on BYC have built using recycled materials and limited resources.
I for one admire Martha. I know, you either love her or hate her. I think most men hate her because she is a self made millionare and they don't think women should be so sucessful. My only gripe is when I watch her and she does some recipes which she will say, " this is very reasonable price", and I think yea if I had the money you do, but.... then again if we had the money she does, What would you do with it? I think we would all spend a lot of it. It would take some getting used to spending, since I'm not used to it now, but I'm sure I would catch on real quick. Sure I think I would help out family and friends and of course charities, but wouldn't you spend it on expensive things too? Why not, if you have it what are you gona do with it? That's what it's for!!! She didn't make it sitting on her tush. I think she is a driven determined hard working woman and she deserves it. Just my thoughts
If I had her kind of money, my chickens would have chickens to lay the eggs for them

I think that's so funny. Reminds me of the old Yiddish proverb: "If the rich could hire the poor to do their dying for them, the poor could make a very good living."​
I admire the fact that she has turned picky retentiveness into an art form, and made a fortune doing it.

She wouldn't like my coop, the grains of sand in the run don't line up.

I like the first larger coop more than the several little ones.

I would spend it as too.
I'm not rich by any means but I am still trying to figure out how to spend my last dollar on my death bed. I though about being wheeled into one of the nearby casino's and playing blackjack and as I draw my last breath spend my last dollar.

Can't take it with you.
Has anyone ever read Martha's Christmas letter to Erma Bombeck and Erma's response? It is one of the funniest things I have ever read!! Loved Erma!!!

JulieCT, that is an EXCELLENT idea!!! A magazine on budget living!! Did you all know that its the "in" thing now to thrift store shop and junk yard shop for the rich and famous?
Liked the first one - all the lattice work was lovely. The secone set was far more functional.

As for Martha, she went to jail for "lying" and for being smug and the feds wanted to make an example.... Far as I'm concerned the only example that was made is how far off base our justice systme is......but I digress

Has anyone ever watched her daughter's show? I think its' called "Whatever, Martha!" It's Hilarious!!! She must have a sense of humor about her persona, she produces the show!!!
Honestly? I have watched her show and subscribed to her mags since the beginnings and her having chickens is what made me want them.

I agree with those who have defended her. She served her time when the men who were caught doing the same thing are still fighting it and for whatever reason women hate her is beyond me. There is something about a successful woman that grates on people!

In some of her bloopers they show her out with her chickens and some of the usual actics that can follow expecting a chicken to be well behaved!
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