Does anyone have some encouraging words? Going through a rough patch..


8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
Madison, CT
I'm going through a rough patch right now...
Right before Christmas, i had to put my whole flock down because they had CRD.
Christmas day, my grandfather in England died.
And just recently in the past day or two, my dog who has lymphoma, has been going down hill.
It doesn't look like hes going to last much longer...

Nothing ever goes right and horrible things happen to me all the time....
I can't possibly list everything or complain, of course everyone has hard times.
Life is not fair and everyone has their problems but some things....are just...unbelievable...

Plus all these other issues, for 10+ years i have had chronic lyme and co-infections and have been to sick to work or function.
Ive been getting alittle better, but i still, pretty much, can't leave the house often.

I feel alittle hopeless right now and not quite sure what to say or what i'm asking for....
Will their be a bright side?

I'm hoping that when i start hatching chicks out in the spring everything with turn around...
I will pray for peace for you. Any of those things by themselves would be enough to deal with. All of them together sounds overwhelming. I fully beleive that things will get better. Planning for the hatch in the spring sounds like positive step. It definately sounds like you need something to look forward to. I am very sorry for all of the losses you are going through. As hard as it is, look for the blessings that you do have.
Sometimes mine are as simple as living indoors and eating groceries!
I will keep you in prayer and i hope to hear your updates.
Life can be bad to you but remember it can only get better. And with chicks in spring what more could you want?!?! Hugs
I hope this does not sound too trite, but if you concentrate on only the bad things that happen, you will be overwhelmed. When bad things happen to me, I try to figure what I have come away with..what I have learned from that experience. Try to remember that while you cannot always control what happens to you, you can control how you respond to those things. Try making a list of what you do have to be thankful for. Begin each day by reading and maybe even adding to this list. At the end of each day, make a note of at least one good thing that happened to you. Think about these things.

This may really sound dumb, but watch the Disney movie "PollyAnna" -- at least watch the part where she tells how to play the "glad game". Then play it might get a chuckle out of it if you try.

I have other ideas, pm me if you want to hear them.

I pray you will start to feel better, Just keep on hanging on, things seem to have a way of turning around quickly sometimes.
CHin up dear!
I can tell you there are poster children out there for every disease there is and some people have ALOT of them! I am one of them! (just got out of the hospital today) AND things have happened to me that took so many hours of therepy I shoulda been able to get a degree by association! BUT I truly believe there is always some one worse off than me...NOT that I WANT someone worse than myself,( nor am I minimizing what happened as a coping skill for me OR you) rather I just take comfort that as bad as it feels right now, i should be thankful it ISNT worse! It may not make you feel better right now, but I promise if you look for the good, you WILL find it. I sometimes will explain to people how to not feel SO bad with a certain symptom/symptoms ,so therefore I believe somehow,somewhere I am chosen to try through my own ordeals to ease the way of others. It gives my senseless (why me)crap reason! I try very hard not to be the person no one knows what to say or how to talk to, because I have nothing good to say (I know someone like this).This is a drag and doesnt do anything but make me sadder in the long run. I am sure since you are young you don't want this either, so find the silver lining in your cloud of life and help someone else find theirs. It is a wonderful feeling and in the helping of others well yours just doesnt seem so bad. IF you still feel bad or need to cry then do it. If you feel like you cant go out there and get into a big conversation about things for someone else then dont. pick up the phone and call and check on someone not expecting it...not to tell them YOUR troubles or even hear theirs but to surprise them. (some days you may not feel that you can take on others "stuff" DONT! ) In the training of yourself to focus on others, it will not make you forget your troubles,but it 1. will show you that you arent alone, maybe not even as bad as you thought. and 2.make you feel good about making someone else feel important. finding something that calms your soul can help...chicken Tv.Watching my horses run in our pastures, my children on some days
, painting,reading,tv,crafts. I call it soul time. Feel free to contact me! MY name is Cyndy I rarely leave my house either, SO I made it my sanctuary!

P.S. I hope this helps...if not please quick! Fast! read someone elses post that will help!!! Here I will
my own self just in case
I am sorry for all your woes. They do seem overwhelming. Talking about them is a good start - "a problem shared is a problem halved" is pretty accurate a lot of the time. Keep talking (or in the case of this forum - typing) and remember that death is a natural part of life.

Sometimes a death is better than a life in pain (as in the case of your dog). Our dog Tory had to be put down several years ago as he was in too much pain. We could have kept him alive longer but his quality of life would have been awful. Now, we have a 2 year old terrier, Nell, who drives us nuts chasing shadows and reflections and who also has brought a lot of laughter and nurturing and love into the family. We wouldn't have ever gotten Nell (or our chickens) had we still had Tory. So her passing brought new beginnings. Your new hatch in the spring may be your new beginnings!

Sounds like you've been through a lot already with your own health. You must be a strong person! Hang in there - life will only get better or make you a better person through it all!
Strenth to you

It will get better, winter is a very depressing time of year for me.
Just think about the babies you will have in a little while, and even though you went thru so much,
You have learned so much for your next batch of babies.
Are you going to come meet everyone at the show in W Springfield, Mass jan 14-15?
I will be running the BYC table there, we will try to get a bunch of us peeps to finally meet up!
And there will be eggs....
So sorry you have to go through this. I have no idea why bad things have to happen. I've been dealing with RA for years and understand how a chronic disease can get you down. All you can do is get up each and every day and find what gives you joy. Healing vibes sent your way.
Life is made up of beginnings and endings. I am so sorry that for you it seems a dark tunnel with no light at the end. I'm sure your grandad would want you to find peace and ultimately happiness. I am sorry for your own health problems and your bitter blows regarding your animals. These words of encouragement and hope were spoken on the radio to the people pf Britain by the late King, at the beginning of the second world war. I feel that your grandad, God rest his soul, would have known them as they became very well repeated. I think of them every New Year, and I hope they will give you the courage to face what lies ahead, as they always have for me.

'I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, give me a light so I may tread safely into the uknown.
And he said to me, "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.
It will be better to you than a light, and safer to you than any known way."'

God Bless you my dear.

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