Does anyone know if I can use old letters/bill shred for nesting boxes


9 Years
Aug 30, 2010
I have a ton of shred and would like to use it in my nesting boxes but want to be sure it would not be harmful to my chickens.
I use a mix of shredded paper and pine shavings. The pine seems to absorb the odors better then just plain paper.
We just started to do this too...
Never knew how much junk mail i had around here... We already have 2 big garbage bags full of paper..
We'll see how it works out..
for a while I used shredded office paper in the nest boxes and it worked fine. And yes, they ate some too. This year's free bedding is hay sweepings from a horse barn. The hens prefer the fine stemmed hays, and kick out the coarser stuff if I use it. Picky, picky. If I get the white paper office shreddings, it'll go on as mulch in the veggie garden.

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