Does anyone use the nipple water drinkers?

I installed a new waterer with nipples and transfered my chicks in their new house...but they don't seem to get how it works! They keep on drinking from the drops dripping on the plate bellow as we try to "show" them how the nipples work. They seem thirsty...Aren't they going to get it on their own?

I installed a new waterer with nipples and transfered my chicks in their new house...but they don't seem to get how it works! They keep on drinking from the drops dripping on the plate bellow as we try to "show" them how the nipples work. They seem thirsty...Aren't they going to get it on their own?
No matter which you use horizontal or vertical type nipple there are a few things you must do. Remove their other water or out of habit they will use that if they can. If they are vertical they must be set above their heads. If they are used to drinking from a cup or dish and your nipples drip they will go to the container it drips in. You need to seal up your leaks. The big complaint with vertical nipples is they tend to leak on the other hand horizontal nipples don't.
I am not sure how to get the Ducks AND chickens to use the nipples. We just put it in their temporary coop and the duck tried and left it. The chickens, even when we put their beak to it, still haven't gone to the nipples after eating. Any other suggestions?
I was contacted by another member about ducks using my nipples. I had no idea so we tried my horizontal nipples on a flock of ducks. We found that ducks do much better with cups. They work very well with other types of poultry but ducks are a no go as far as I can see. If you need help with the chickens send me a PM I'll be glad to help.
Thanks! I put the beak of some of them on, so they can learn. So some got the trick but the others still seem to look for the water in the plastic plate bellow and don't seem to get it...won't they see how just by watching their friends quenching their thirst using the nipples?
we built a waterer with the nipples. Our chickens took to it about one minute after install. They get plenty of water. They drink till they are satisfied. We have a couple of videos here under (our first try at raising chickens, Shelly Swanby)
We since have added a cleanout valve because we are on a well and want to be able to flush out the line from time to time, even though we have the water coming directly from the filtered house water. In the winter we will fill the tank manually with a hose.
I've been using them for about 3 months. OMG what a difference makes when your not watering the chicks twice a day. I use a 5 gallon bucket with 4 nipples for my 10 chickens. I have to refill every 3rd or 4th day. Took me about 10 minutes to build it. I wasn't sure if they would know how to drink from it. Not sure why i was worried as they took to them like they had never drank from anything else.

Jerry N SoCal

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