Does Aviary Netting protect from predators?


Jul 9, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Hello! I'm making an aviary/chicken run and I need netting/mesh smaller than half an inch, as you guys know it's expensive and I'm looking for the cheapest solution so I've been researching hardware cloth, stucco lath and now aviary netting.

I'm not certain if it will protect against hawk beaks, raccoons, squirrels, etc. So I was wondering if anybody had any experience with it :)

Also looking for the cheapest prices for Canada, Ontario specifically for the three fencing options I mentioned if anybody has any links or advice on where to get those materials :)

Aviary netting will keep out flying predators for the most part, for the same reason that strings across a pond will keep birds from landing there. They don't like the idea of getting tangled. It's not that they can't get through it, but that they don't want to try. As far as raccoons, squirrels, and the like, they can get through it but won't usually bother trying. Of course, it only takes once.

My run has hardware cloth on the sides and chicken wire on the top; I don't worry.
Thanks so much for your reply :D

I just looked up more aviary netting to see if I could get better prices and found there's also the plastic or strong kind - I was referring to this kind in particular -

It's 22 gauge I believe and 1/2" galvanized steel wire like chicken wire hexagons I believe but half the size, would this not be very similar to 1/2" galvanized steel hardware cloth? *crosses fingers* lol :p
I'm not sure what gauge chicken wire is, but raccoons and dogs will go right through it! I use hardware cloth, and woven wire over that, to make it really safe. Lighter wire will keep raptors out, but not raccoons. Mary
I have had a large hawk dive right through my netting :rolleyes: And still manage to kill the chicken it was after. (Yes, while I watched)

That was only that one hawk... However, I had other issues with netting (snow kept pulling it down)

So I changed to concrete reinforcing wire, and then added a layer of chicken wire on top of that.


And it cost me zero!

I scrounge in the construction trash at the dump, look in the free adds on Craigs list... And the free adds on Facebook....

Also... If you do decide that net might work for you, I suggest fishing net.. Free at my local dump (but maybe you are too far away from a big fishing area?)
Thanks so much guys!! Great advice!!! I have a roll of 100' 1/4 hardware cloth now, would have preferred 1/2 inch but it was 40% off and meant the difference between a double or half the size aviary (that the chickens can share!!) :D

And Alaskan thank you for mentioning and showing your concrete wire - I'm seriously budget limited, totally splurged on the hardware cloth :p I'm going to check it out right now!!

I was going to go with a metal old gazebo - people are selling them here every day for 25-40 dollars but I don't have a truck :[

Not sure which idea will cost me more with all the fixings to make it bird/predator proof but I'll see ^^
I used and old metal gazebo frame as my run, it really works great. I wrapped the bottom with 4' tall 1"X1" fencing wire, hardware cloth along the bottom, and chicken wire up top. It's really hot here, so I simply covered it with a tarp to provide shade for now. I will ultimately put a hard roof on it, but all the materials used so far were free :) old home owner left that stuff behind. Some assembly required lol.
Cattle or sheep panels, or woven wire fencing, will reinforce the hardware cloth on the lower three or four feet of the run. Use at least 3/4" fence staples, and cover with wood screwed in also. Think about two 100 lb. hunger dogs at 2am! That's why mine is so solid; that, and too many bad raccoon experiences in years gone by. Mary
More great suggestions thank you guys!! :D

I appreciate the size of the staples and screwing wood over it as well - makes perfect sense to keep predators from trying to gnaw it up!

I actually came across a four teir (not treated) wooden pallet for sale for 25 dollars on Kijiji, I think it's 4x4 and probably eight or ten feet in height (I emailed for specifications) and if I bought two and took out the middle boards, bam a huge aviary frame :D (with a little work, lol!


Ugh, the only problem is I don't have a truck

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