Does Coccidia show up in chicks only a week old?


7 Years
Sep 10, 2015
I'm having a run of bad luck this season with my Cornish cross. I received a shipment of 60 healthy, lively chicks, all eager to eat and drink as soon as I got them into the stall.

I usually start them on probiotics/electrolytes for 1 day then switch to normal water.

This time around, I had slightly older chicks that will be raised in the same stall as them. At first, no issues. Everything was great...

To be safe about coccidia since it has been a thing lately, I decided to start adding Corid into the waters by about 1 week - 1 1/2weeks old... But all of a sudden, the Cornish chicks are dying one after another. Symptoms looks a lot like coccidia, no appetite, droopy wings and overall wasting away. I've lost a bunch by now and they are only just 2 weeks old.

I'm not entirely sure it is coccidia, but I feel like it is. I didn't realize coccidia can kill chicks this fast(?). Even now after treating the water for about 6 days, I'm still losing a few. Most of my regular chicks are alright except for about 2 of them. But it's all the same symptoms.

I'm really at a loss. I've never had an issue like this with just a couple week old chicks.
My dad has a friend who was raising Cornish X, & they had 4 suddenly die. Turns out they were infected with Salmonella. Found that out about 5-6 days after processing them, my dad, & his friend got sick by the birds.

His friend gets his Cornish X free at Miller Feed for free when they buy a bag of chick feed. Found out why the chicks were free.

Should probably get your chicks tested.
My dad has a friend who was raising Cornish X, & they had 4 suddenly die. Turns out they were infected with Salmonella. Found that out about 5-6 days after processing them, my dad, & his friend got sick by the birds.

His friend gets his Cornish X free at Miller Feed for free when they buy a bag of chick feed. Found out why the chicks were free.

Should probably get your chicks tested.
I did briefly consider this possibility. Suppose I would indeed need to get it checked by a vet to know for certain..

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