Does every flock have a complainer?

Our girls I thought wanted to be close, yah right ! They just want something to peck
I took the pic thinking she wanted to be held or something. Sheesh
I have a Black Orpington named Beulah who thinks that when she is laying an egg the world should stop until she is done. She sits in the box forever and a day, If I so much as look in on her to make sure she is Ok, she screams at me, then yells loudly about the intrusion for a good 30 min. Worse yet, the rooster comes running and he complains with her for the duration! It is loud and obnoxious, thank goodness I live way out in the sticks and have no neighbors because I am sure they would be unhappy if I did.

She is a rather large lady, who wants more food. What do you not understand about "more food" When I come outside, she assumes I have food. She waddle runs at an epic speed with everyone following her as fast as they can. Today, she actually jumped up and pecked me on the butt because I did not have any food for her.

She is always the last to go in the coop in the evening, it's as if she is worried she might starve in there, even though there is food inside. She lingers and lingers looking for goodies to eat. Sometimes I tell her to get her fat *** in the coop before I put her in there there by force.

Yesterday, Beulah managed to steal a mouse that the cat caught and take off running with, it was pure comedy. Then a Cream Leg bar zips up beside her and gets it away from her. By then the game had attracted several more of the flock. But, out of know where a White Leghorn swooped in at 90 miles an hour and took it and was gone with it, that little 10 week old Leghorn was 100 miles away before the adult big girls even realized the mouse was gone. However; the other 10 week old leghorns were not fooled, they caught up with the mouse thief and those 9 girls all ripped it to shreds and ate it.

What about the cat? He just sat there, licking a paw, he didn't careI, he only catches and kills mice, never eats them.

I do have several other complainers and didn't even realize that that is what they are until I stumbled onto this post.
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6:00 every morning my Ameracauna complains as loud as possible about how I need to come give her some corn....every morning. Spoiled lil' brats. They won't even let me pick em up yet, they hop on my lap and eat corn out of my hands tho. If I try and pet them, they jump down.
My complainer, a BA Sinatra because she has to do everything HER way, has calmed down now a bit. She used to tell me EVERYTHING, despite my lack of understanding of what she wanted or saying. She is a lot more circumspect now as she is getting older but when I can't find her and call, she has a little murmur she responds with instead of the full out screech she used before. I am so relieved!
My complainer is a white EE named Pansy but who my husband calls Numbnuts. She has complained at everything since a chick. She's sneaky smart and will stand back while the other girls squabble over a tasty tidbit then zoom in at top speed with her tail and head down, grabbing it on the run. She then hides and gobbles it down, one of the few time she's not squaking over something. Looks like a white roadruner!

She watches for us and if we go to the back door, she cries to get out of the run. She yells when you pick her up or even touch her. But have a few raisins in your hand and she's on your lap in a flash and will cuddle. Run out of raisins? She shreiks and runs away.

Very strange bird, but entertaining.
Here's an update on Sinatra - turns out she hasn't had anything new enough to complain about until today.
I heard this awful squawking and went to investigate. First bird I see is timid little Red hanging by the coop. I asked her what all the commotion is and Henny and Penny both come running, acting very relieved to see me. They stayed on the patio while I went to see what Sinatra is on about in the back yard.
I find her on the raised garden bed, raising all kinds of hell about an invasion.
"Do you see that thing? What is it? A stranger was here and left that thing (tool box belonging to the Internet tech person who was checking out the outside line into the house). Is it a bomb? It looks dangerous. I don't like it. That stanger messed with our tree. That is OUR tree. What is going on? It is about time you got here. What are you going to do about this travesty?"
I swept the walkway and listened to her continue her tirade. As I started to close the gate between the patio and yard, Sinatra FLEW over to me to get in before the gate closed. Apparently I finally did the right thing by closing the gate and thereby making them secure.
I would be more impressed with Sinatra's alarm system against intruders, but she didn't start squawking until the tech left the back yard. But it was quite alarming and got me to come running!
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