Does filtered water make a difference?

Are you on a well or city water? We have very high iron, and I've been filtering through a faucet type filter. I don't let my family, my dog, or the chick's drink it, unless filtered, or an emergency. But maybe when they're a little bigger, just because it's really time consuming to filter. I'm more worried about the waterer getting clogged and turning orange.

I've also read people's advice to give vitamins without iron (usually italicized or bolded). So I don't know how much is too much.

But, if I had city water, I'd have no issues.
Our previous home had orange well water (iron) and we all drank it unfiltered. The appliances got the water from the water softener, and we learned to like the taste of the well water. Mary
We live in LA, all the animals at our house get bottled water. LA water is very poor quality and for years my cats would throw up all the time when I switched to bottled their nausea all but stopped.
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