Does heat spoil eggs?


9 Years
Apr 29, 2013
Today I discovered a nest of chicken eggs in our burn pile. I'm sure they would lay somewhere... 11 eggs total, 7 hens. I did the fresh egg test and none floated. I'm convinced they're fine, my mother isn't It gets to 100 degrees here. Does heat spoil eggs? I mean, isn't that what the test is for?!
WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT!!! Words to live, by, and you'll get food poisoning much less often. I always toss found eggs unless I know when they were produced. Hot weather isn't your friend either. Start over and collect daily. Mary
WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT!!! Words to live, by, and you'll get food poisoning much less often. I always toss found eggs unless I know when they were produced. Hot weather isn't your friend either. Start over and collect daily. Mary
I don't want to throw them out if they are good. Does heat speed up the process?
100 degrees will start embryo development....and yes, heat will speed the degradation of anything that can rot.
Crack one open and take a look......feed them to the dog, or cook them up and feed back to the chickens, that way they won't be a total waste.

Probably you've never had food poisoning, or you wouldn't be asking if you should take the risk of acquiring it.
I don't want to throw them out if they are good. Does heat speed up the process?

I wouldn't take the chance, even in this heat (95) I try to gather eggs three times a day, I don't want to take any chances, I am constantly on the lookout for hidden nest and like you found one in the burn pile under some dead tree's and brush, luckily I found the hen the day she started laying there ( saw her sitting in it and came back later and found an egg)

Why would you even question a Mothers say so??
We really do know a thing or two.
100 degrees will start embryo development....and yes, heat will speed the degradation of anything that can rot.
Crack one open and take a look......feed them to the dog, or cook them up and feed back to the chickens, that way they won't be a total waste.

Probably you've never had food poisoning, or you wouldn't be asking if you should take the risk of acquiring it.
That's what I'm thinking of doing, feeding them to the dogs or the chickens. No I haven't had food poisoning. I'm only asking because I did the float or sink test, none floated, and my mom still doesn't buy it.
I wouldn't take the chance, even in this heat (95) I try to gather eggs three times a day, I don't want to take any chances, I am constantly on the lookout for hidden nest and like you found one in the burn pile under some dead tree's and brush, luckily I found the hen the day she started laying there ( saw her sitting in it and came back later and found an egg)

Why would you even question a Mothers say so??
We really do know a thing or two.
I may feed them to the girls. Haha, well I know much more about chickens than she does. I did my homework. She gets upset because our cochin hasn't laid in two weeks. The cochin is fine but she gets hot easily, but I remind my mom that she's also a cochin, which means poor layer.
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The float test only shows how big the air cell is, which can indicate how old the egg is because the air cell grows with evaporation over time.
It will not tell you whether or not that egg is 'spoiled', contaminated with pathogens or holds a developing embryo.
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I may feed them to the girls. Haha, well I know much more about chickens than she does. I did my homework. She gets upset because our cochin hasn't laid in two weeks. The cochin is fine but she gets hot easily, but I remind my mom that she's also a cochin, which means poor layer.
That my dear has absolutely nothing to do with knowing whether the food you are attempting to eat is safe or not...

Most of us adhere to the old adage, when in doubt , throw it out. If you have to come on here to ask whether it is safe to eat then it more than likely is not....But hey, I'm just a Mom, its your body. don't believe us, eat the eggs...
The float test only shows how big the air cell is, which can indicate how old the egg is because the air cell grows with evaporation over time.
It will not tell you whether or not that egg is 'spoiled', contaminated with pathogens or holds a developing embryo.
Ah I see. I did the shake test and heard sloshing in 4 of them. I cracked them open and some were flatter than others. But I think I shook too hard and the yolk broke in several of them so I couldn't get reliable results. One that didn't slosh or break held together nicely, as did some others.
That my dear has absolutely nothing to do with knowing whether the food you are attempting to eat is safe or not...

Most of us adhere to the old adage, when in doubt , throw it out. If you have to come on here to ask whether it is safe to eat then it more than likely is not....But hey, I'm just a Mom, its your body. don't believe us, eat the eggs...
Sorry if you misunderstood me.

I understand adhering to the adage, but I wanted to check every possible avenue. I didn't come on here to ask if it's safe to eat, I asked if the heat speeds up the process and if anyone had any suggestions in case I missed something. I did make it clear to you that if I were to use them, I would feed it to my chickens. Though, I do remember one time something was up with an egg(can't remember what exactly) I was convinced it was fine, ate it, and nothing happened. Now I wouldn't say I was lucky, there was just nothing wrong with the egg. I also asked this question because I do know that a hen wouldn't be able to hatch chicks if the eggs spoiled in the heat. I wouldn't eat a cracked egg because that's a major breach for pathogens.

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