Does my duck have angel wing??

Pekin are piggies with feathers lol. I find the females vary, i had one that hatched here(by a scovie, misplaced Pekin egg) and she was much smaller than her actual family...

My remaining girl is fairly large, honestly they are better on the smaller sizing....
Like you bought muscovie eggs from a store and they accidentally sent you a pekin egg??? And what do you mean better? They're nicer when they're smaller?
No i had a flock of Pekin and they laid an egg in a scovie nest lol, the scovie raised it like her own...

In my experience the smaller ones have less problems with their legs...
That's so cool!! And yes I've heard with Pekins especially Jumbo ones that their bodies get so heavy it hurts their legs
First off, she is a very pretty duck :)

But yes, like sourland said, she does not have angelwing at all. Ducks are most prone to it when their wings are growing, so for most birds between 1-2.5 months old. Her wings are perfectly fine!

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