Does native ground provide enough grit?


11 Years
Dec 13, 2010
Our coop has about an 8x15 foot section that is outdoors on native soil that they scratch around and dustbathe in. They also get out a few times a week to free range all around the yard, which has plenty of dirt. Does this provide enough grit, or do we still need to supplement--either by using grit-added food, putting grit in a dish, or adding sand and stones to the soil portion of the coop?

Thanks very much!
Naïve soil varies dramatically from site to site and geographically.
The grit needs to be of adequate size, insoluble and with sharp edges. Since we don't know where you live, soil type or how much space, my best advice would be to get some #3 adult grit if your birds are adults. If it is too small, it will pass right through the gizzard without doing anything to aid in digestion.
It is cheap. You can put a small pile on the ground or put it in a container.
If your space is small, it may be possible they have already consumed the available grit.

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