Does repetition help tame a parakeet?

I read on this forum that there is no right or wrong way to tame a bird:

How would you like it if some giant kept trying to grab? Budgies are prey animals, and when you try to grab them it's similar to how a bird of prey or another predator would swoop in and try to eat them. Doesn't matter that they've never seen a hawk, the instinct to avoid bigger potential predators is still there. As some of the others have said, you need a lot of patience to build a budgies trust. Using the method @Star428 is the best way to go about taming a budgie. Trying to rush or force the bonding process will only make matters worse. The bird may be scarred for life and never come around and trust humans.

The same trust building exercise applies to almost all animals really. Sometimes it's a quick bond, sometimes it's slow, sometimes it's infuriatingly slow, but you just gotta roll with it.

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