Does shooting the fox fix the problem?


Apr 30, 2018
Hi all,

We just had our second fox attack in three weeks. The one three weeks ago occurred when my chickens were out free ranging around 6:30pm and I ran inside for 20 minutes to do laundry. The fox managed to 8 of them, most being young birds. I tried to call a couple humane trap and release companies, none of which called me back. So, it was then that I decided that they cannot come out unless I am outside with them, period.

Yesterday around 5pm , I was out gardening around the coop so I let them out. It was a beautiful day and they all stayed around me as I was digging up dirt. I then heard commotion about 10 feet from me on the adjacent side of the coop and saw the fox with not one, but TWO of my young silkies in its mouth! I chased it until it dropped my birds. One survived, one didn't :( Keep in mind that this was in broad daylight, while I was right there! THEN, after I chased the fox away, it kept trying to come BACK as I was corralling all the chickens back into the coop! It had no fear of me whatsoever! It blew my mind!

So, I come to you all to ask, will shooting the fox be a problem solver? Will it actually help? I now know that even if I'm outside with them, they cannot come out. It really stinks because of course they love coming out and eating the grass, bugs, etc. Granted, they do have a pretty large run that's attached to their coop which is all predator proof. I was all for humane trap and release logic for the fox, but now I just want the thing gone. For good. I shooting the fox a good idea?
I was all for humane trap and release logic for the fox, but now I just want the thing gone. For good. I shooting the fox a good idea?
Relocation is both illegal and actually MORE cruel than dispatching in most cases.

I suggest an E fence... I can't shoot and remove every predator, there will be more.

ETA: sorry for your loss. :(
It's tough to say. Some preds will be more wary than others, but in general when you remove a predator another one takes it's place. That's just the nature of things. Unless you are willing to sacrifice entire species in your ecosystem and trade them out for other problems (like wolves being eradicated and deer numbers skyrocketing destroying crop fields and moving into suburbs) you will probably have a new fox to shoot again the next year. Some foxes will stay away but many won't.
Foxes also play an important role in the ecosystem, keeping rodent and some bird numbers low.

It's better to build a stronger pen or use non-lethal prevention if you can. Teach the fox that the location is off limits and it might stay away. A paintball gun or electric fence might serve your needs better if you don't feel inclined to shoot a new fox every 6-12 months.
You can shoot that one to remove the immediate threat and buy some time, but there will be replacement killers show up to take it's place.

Then there is the other issue.....this time of year that could be a momma fox feeding her kits. If that proved to be the case, are you OK knowing you killed them too?

So as it stands now, what boundary does the fox have to keep it away from the birds? The run if they are inside.......nothing if outside?

That is where the electric fence comes in. It creates a boundary the fox does not want to cross. It administers a violent painful shock that stops just short of killing it......probably the most traumatic thing any animal is ever going to experience short of being killed. Not something they care to repeat. They don't fear you so don't respect you. They do fear and respect a hot electric fence.
Relocation is both illegal and actually MORE cruel than dispatching in most cases.

I suggest an E fence... I can't shoot and remove every predator, there will be more.

ETA: sorry for your loss. :(
It is probably illegal for individuals to relocate them. . however my local conservation department will relocate them. :th

I would want it eliminated too if it was coming up in broad daylight. And it will not forget where the birds live.
It seems like there isn't any real "legal"
Solution. . check with your local conservation department to see if they will help you trap them.
I have a fox problem as well I live in city limits so shooting a firearm of any kind is illegal. I have been told by conservation I do have the right to protect my birds if they are being attacked. .how can I do that without a firearm? They suggested using a bow. Um ok. And even then they want me to call and report it if I do have to do that.
If you live where you can use a firearm without the police being called on you I say SSS.
Kill with kindness!

As far as the problem being solved however I should say I totally agree with the others that there will eventually be another fox or something else that will take its place. That is for sure. Hot wire and adequate fencing is about all you can do for further prevention. And even that doesn't always stop them. A hungry predator will figure out ways around it if there are any weakness in your set up. But if I had a repeat offender I would still want it gone. ;)

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