Does the No-Crow Rooster Collar really work?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 15, 2014
I'd like to get a rooster for my hens although city ordinance does not allow them. My thinking is if the collar works, it would be a non-issue.

If the city ordinance prohibits, then it kind of seems like a non-starter to me. All it takes is ONE crabby neighbor with an ax to grind and you've got animal control breathing down your neck for something you're not to have in the first place. These forums are chock-full of stories of crabby neighbors. I'd hate to put the time and effort and emotion into raising a rooster just to have to re-home or eat him when told by the city to remove the animal from the premises.

That said, the No Crow collars can work to effectively reduce the volume and frequency of crowing. BUT, there are entirely too many variables to accurately predict results beyond simply saying they can work. I've had a very positive experience with the collars on my two boys. The reasons for my positive experience are I think threefold:

1) Tempered expectations. I didn't want to eliminate crowing. They are cockerels...crowing is who they are. I just wanted to ratchet-down the volume...i.e., carrying-distance of their crows. Good fences make for good neighbors. So does consideration and respect for others' rights to enjoy their outside time as much as I do.

2) Observation. I know the habits of my cockerels better than they do. The pullets I pay slightly less attention to as well, let's face it, they just aren't as high-maintenance as the boys are. With the boys, I've found that they telegraph their intent through how they carry/express themselves. My flock is also under big-brother style monitoring while in the coop and run. They are covered by multiple HD cameras that probe every square inch of space available to them while they are there. If an event happens while I'm not watching, i have the luxury of rewinding this captured footage and witnessing the action/behavior that led up to the event.

3) Follow-up. Collars are not set-and-forget one-and-done tools. They require frequent monitoring. Between my Orwellian camera-setup and frequent physical visits to sit with and observe my flock, I am able to see the consequences of my actions/inactions more quickly than most. I have been able to tell within minutes the difference between the typical oh-I-really-hate-this-collar-and-I'm-gonna-peck-your-eyes-out-the-next-time-you-touch-me drama that goes on for five minutes after a routine inspection/adjustment of their collars from the the REAL distressed behavior that can occur when I ratchet it too far and it is literally choking them to death.

There are various post on these forums about the collars (Search is a GREAT friend!) with others' opinions and experiences. Bottom line...roosters are high-maintenance and adding a collar to one makes him even more high maintenance since one will need to check collar fitment and carefully observe bird for actual distress. On top of that, they actually do not keep a rooster from crowing unless the collar is so tight that the rooster is too busy choking/fighting to breathe to worry about crowing or eating or protecting his flock or performing ANY roosterly functions. A collar won't make keeping a rooster legal. Best of luck!
Wow! Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, much appreciated! I still want a rooster, but might have to reconsider!

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