Does time of day when setting eggs to incubate make any difference?


May 14, 2019
I’m starting my first incubation tomorrow! (Nurture Right 360 Bator has been on & tracked for days. Temp & humidity holding great!) Does the time of day that I set my eggs in the incubator matter all that much?

If I set them in the morning do they tend to pip the morning of day 21 or is it a completely random crap-shoot based on temp, humidity, the chick, and so on?

Thank you for everyone’s time and expertise!
I’m starting my first incubation tomorrow! (Nurture Right 360 Bator has been on & tracked for days. Temp & humidity holding great!) Does the time of day that I set my eggs in the incubator matter all that much?

If I set them in the morning do they tend to pip the morning of day 21 or is it a completely random crap-shoot based on temp, humidity, the chick, and so on?

Thank you for everyone’s time and expertise!
Good question..wish I could help ..only been here a week.
Mine seem to hatch at night no matter when I set them. :rolleyes: I swear, they're waiting for my eager face to disappear from outside the bator, light turns off and then they pop out one by one.

Good luck on your hatch! :D

I don't mind it though. It keeps me from pacing and checking on them 1000 times if I'm at home, or wondering what is happening while I'm at work.
I don't mind it though. It keeps me from pacing and checking on them 1000 times if I'm at home, or wondering what is happening while I'm at work.

Yep, me too. I'm wayyy too impatient at hatch. The duck eggs that can take 2 days from external pip to zipping drives me mad. Just get out already! Haha!

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