Does your chicken tolerate diapers?


11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Bay Area, CA
I have tried putting one on Clarisse, our friendly chicken who wants to be a house pet, and it's like she suddenly has grown extra wings and feet. just getting it under her keel was a two-person chore, and getting it fastened...yikes. I managed to get it on her, and she managed to peck and pull and get out of it within about 15 minutes. I tried a smaller size, but I couldn't even get it on her. She turns into a wild hen if you get near her with one of these things.

She's a great hen in other respects, friendly, likes being held. You can do about anything with her...except put a diaper on her. Any tips anyone has? Have you had similar experiences?
I had to take the slightly larger diaper and pin the heck out of it so my one hen couldn't get out of it. She fought us when we put it on her (and yes, it was a multiple person task), and once it was on and I set her down, she would proceed to throw a tantrum worse than the crankiest two year old. She would throw herself around, scream, and fall over or slam herself into furniture for the better part of 15 to 20 minutes before finally exhausting herself. She would also pretend that she couldn't walk with it on. She was NOT easy to keep a diaper on. She never did really like it so we ended up moving her out with the other birds. The standards didn't like her, even though she's a standard (but on the small side), so I put her in with the Bantams and there she has been ever since. I tried diapers on some of my teeny tiny Bantams, and after pinning the heck out of them too, they begrudgingly accepted them. It took time with them too. You have to work with the bird a lot. Good luck trying to get your baby to wear it. Get several safety pins and use the larger diaper, not the smaller one. Pin the straps high, behind the shoulder blades, it's what I did to keep my birds from slipping out. You'd swear they were ferrets they way they can weasel out of those diapers sometimes!
I don't know why chicken diapers should be an issue. It seems practical if you have chickens that come inside. (Clarisse follows me inside a lot, but I also refuse to let her become a house chicken, which seems to be her intent. That and raiding the catfood.) But given her proclivities, she's going to be dropping offerings for the foreseeable future.
Jilara,I assure you,putting diapers on a chicken isn't an issue with me.Never,in my wildest dream,could I imagine someone putting a diaper on a chicken.Since I don't let chickens come in the house,it never occurred to me to diaper one.

Greathorse,I take your position.I should have looked before I leaped!

One question:pampers or Huggies?Lord,help us.

I can't even begin to imagine how diapers would be feasable!! I mean, you use them to catch poo, and chicken poo is WET!! HOW does this even work? In my head, I see myself pulling off a disgusting, smelly wet and SMASHED poo diaper. Now, not only did I have to wrestle my chicken INTO the thing, I have to clean the chicken! I mean, my chicken's butts are about the MOST feathery things I've ever seen. Seems like if one wanted to allow a chicken in the house THAT badly, it would be easier to just clean the floor than to clean a diaper and chicken? Just curious. I'm not even KIND OF considering this one. lol


Sophie- The Diva Chicken, does just fine.

We are not talking about baby diapers, but ones made for chickens- like they do for parrots ...almost.

You have to find the right size diaper, I like the ones that velcro along the back, much easier to get on. I have a pattern on my website. Others I have tried do not fit well. I also like those lined with a plastic liner, sew in. I cut up puppy pee pads into small squares and insert them in the diaper, then when they are dirty replace them with a clean one.
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AHHHH!!! Thank you SO MUCH for the photo!! That clears up a TON of ideas I had floating around!! lol
I can actually fathom the WHY of it all now. Thank you Thank you!

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