Does your rooster do this?

I'm betting he had a behavioral suite that approximated what was in the accompanying video clip.

I know less than most on this site about chickens although the hen in the video above was in lay and produced an egg shortly after the video was made with about 20 people standing around watching. She and another hen that produced an egg at the same event later in the day also produced very subtle behaviors the rooster picked up on indicating they needed to find a nest site. We also watched both hens lay their eggs and I quickly grabbed those eggs for everyone to see them while they were still wet. The setting there was odd as we disrupted the normal egg laying routine by moving the group from farm to public education event.

Normally, the rooster behavior occurs a day or two before the first egg is deposited by a given hen. What appears to be a real issue is where the sex ratio has fewer roosters, I also often see nest with eggs from more than one hen.

Each year I see a lot of this below. The rooster the egg laying hen associates with; well he appears to know location of each nest. When sex ratio is closer to more even, then the rooster is often in the general area when a new egg is deposited and promptly mates with her when she comes off the nest.

I'm betting he had a behavioral suite that approximated what was in the accompanying video clip.

I know less than most on this site about chickens although the hen in the video above was in lay and produced an egg shortly after the video was made with about 20 people standing around watching. She and another hen that produced an egg at the same event later in the day also produced very subtle behaviors the rooster picked up on indicating they needed to find a nest site. We also watched both hens lay their eggs and I quickly grabbed those eggs for everyone to see them while they were still wet. The setting there was odd as we disrupted the normal egg laying routine by moving the group from farm to public education event.

Normally, the rooster behavior occurs a day or two before the first egg is deposited by a given hen. What appears to be a real issue is where the sex ratio has fewer roosters, I also often see nest with eggs from more than one hen.

Each year I see a lot of this below. The rooster the egg laying hen associates with; well he appears to know location of each nest. When sex ratio is closer to more even, then the rooster is often in the general area when a new egg is deposited and promptly mates with her when she comes off the nest.

Yes very much like that in the video
He'll be doing a security check. I've got a camera in my coop and I've noticed that each night at bedtime the head chook goes in 1st and does the security check, looking everywhere to ensure there's no predators or bogeymen hiding anywhere. When they're happy that it's allgood they make the,, "good to go" noise and the rest start coming in. The noise they make when conducting the search and giving the all clear is exactly the same no matter which chook it is. Your rooster probably just doin his security thing, he's a good boy

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