Does your rooster have a favorite hen?


Jan 27, 2022
Do your roosters have favorite hens?
My old black silkie rooster really liked my bantam brahma hen. I don't know if it was because he preferred her smooth feathers better or some other reason. All his other girls were silkies, so I guess the bantam brahma stood out. Almost every time I actually saw him breeding the hens it was the bantam brahma.
Now my new silkie rooster seems to already have a favorite hen even though he just started breeding hens a couple months ago. And you won't believe who it is... the bantam brahama's daughter. I guess my silkie boys have a type and it's smooth feathered girls 😂 The daughter is from my bantam brahma and the black silkie rooster I mentioned before.
Sometimes the favorite hens start to lose feathers on their backs and that's how you can tell they're the favorite. Especially if there are multiple roosters in the flock and not enough hens. Thankfully mine don't get naked backs.

As a bonus here are some pictures of them.

Black silkie roo and isabel bantam brahma

White silkie roo and silkie/brahma mix
Do your roosters have favorite hens?
My old black silkie rooster really liked my bantam brahma hen. I don't know if it was because he preferred her smooth feathers better or some other reason. All his other girls were silkies, so I guess the bantam brahma stood out. Almost every time I actually saw him breeding the hens it was the bantam brahma.
Now my new silkie rooster seems to already have a favorite hen even though he just started breeding hens a couple months ago. And you won't believe who it is... the bantam brahama's daughter. I guess my silkie boys have a type and it's smooth feathered girls 😂 The daughter is from my bantam brahma and the black silkie rooster I mentioned before.
Sometimes the favorite hens start to lose feathers on their backs and that's how you can tell they're the favorite. Especially if there are multiple roosters in the flock and not enough hens. Thankfully mine don't get naked backs.

As a bonus here are some pictures of them.

Black silkie roo and isabel bantam brahma
View attachment 3375433

White silkie roo and silkie/brahma mix
View attachment 3375441
Smooth feathered girls, lol!!!

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