Dog Attack

The WinterWolf

Apr 12, 2021
Northern CA
Today at around 5:00 AM two German shepherds came into our yard and were clawing and chasing and trying to kill my chickens. right now it's about 7:00 PM. anyways, one of my chickens (Ash) lost all of her tail feathers and has a bloody vent, and something sticking out beneath the skin. i'm worried it's an internal injury. my dad says it's just some torn flap of skin that's supposed to be covering the vent. i don't know. the other one (Omelette)has a scratch on her back, and can't seem to walk. she also might have a broken wing. she only has one tail feather. the one with the thing sticking out of her walks around normally, and is running around outside. the one with the scratch on her back is inside the house in a box with food and water. a few hours ago, i only fed her peanut butter and jelly, and i don't know if she got enough to eat. she is able to kind of turn herself around in the box, and drinks when i persuade her. she only eats when i hold a spoonful of jelly up to her beak, and she kind of licks it like a dog. she doesn't even make an effort to peck when i hold her favorite treat, a strawberry, up to her. i don't know what to do to help her. any ideas are welcome for either of them.

also, the dogs have been taken care of and the owner is trying to find them a new home. the first photo is of the first chicken's vent. if you want, you can call them by their names. Ash and Omelette.


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So sorry!! I am no expert but you need to treat her for shock give her some gatorade or water with a tsp of sugar in it. Flush out the wound with saline water if you don't have any boil a quart of water with a tsp of salt. Let it cool and rinse out the wounds. Don't let the wounds dry out use Neosporin without pain relief. Or whatever you have tonight. Hopefully the big guns will post soon. Just keep them in a crate warm and hydrated in a quiet spot. Scrambled eggs yogurt or wet feed with a little sugar may tempt them to eat.
I'm sorry to hear about your hens.

The one with the torn vent, I would keep it cleaned. If you have saline as suggested by @Byrd gal that would be good to use. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the wounds.
You may want to keep your saline or some diluted Chlorhexidine in a spray bottle so you can spray the vent, she's very likely going to get the wound soiled when she poops.

The one that is not walking, hopefully she hasn't suffered any internal injuries and is just in shock.

Give them both a little time to see if they recover. Electrolytes or gatorade can be good to give for the first day. Do offer some plain fresh water too.
I would suggest that you offer some scrambled egg or wet feed for them to eat. Peanut butter and jelly sounds like a tasty treat, but if they will eat their nutritionally balanced feed along with extra protein of egg that would be even better.

Keep us posted on how they are doing.
She is drinking on her own and there is DEFINITELY something wrong with her leg.
her food, because she doesn't care about solid food is a mix of peanut butter and jelly and tiny bread crumbs and leftover tiny bits of cabbage. there's some peanut chunks from the peanut butter in there too. (i think i really failed at following directions, but she seems to like it.) i'm going to give her electrolyte (Gatorade drink mix in water) and update tomorrow afternoon.
Update: we think it is an internal injury, judging by the bluish blackish comb discoloration and the unwillingness to eat or drink very much at all. She hasn't stood up since the attack and is under a heat lamp (that doesn't heat that much) she also has a chicken blanket (old shorts) that my mom gave her because she was shivering. She hasn't pooped any solids since before the attack. Her poops are all liquid and yellowish. She doesn't move much and falls asleep after I wake her up to eat. I gave her saline, and we have Gatorade electrolyte drink mix but my mom wouldn't let me give it to her because she said artificial sweeteners might not be good for her. Are they OK to give her? What should I do next?
I'm sorry to hear about your hens.

The one with the torn vent, I would keep it cleaned. If you have saline as suggested by @Byrd gal that would be good to use. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the wounds.
You may want to keep your saline or some diluted Chlorhexidine in a spray bottle so you can spray the vent, she's very likely going to get the wound soiled when she poops.

The one that is not walking, hopefully she hasn't suffered any internal injuries and is just in shock.

Give them both a little time to see if they recover. Electrolytes or gatorade can be good to give for the first day. Do offer some plain fresh water too.
I would suggest that you offer some scrambled egg or wet feed for them to eat. Peanut butter and jelly sounds like a tasty treat, but if they will eat their nutritionally balanced feed along with extra protein of egg that would be even better.

Keep us posted on how they are doing.
She isn't accepting solid food at all, and today she won't even eat jam. I offered her strawberries and bread and chicken food and cat food and beetles but she just stares at it all. She is obviously really interested in the beetles, but she won't peck at them.
They aren't ideal, for sure, but I am unsure which ones are toxic to them or not (depends on the art. sweetener, but I know some are toxic).

You can look into tube feeding if she doesn't eat or drink for a while longer. If she ate and drank a bunch earlier, she might just not be wanting it, or still in shock. If you think she has gone too long, there are articles/videos that show you what to do. It isn't easy, it can be fatal if done incorrectly, and it isn't a guarantee that she will make it, though. :(

I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I feel so angry that dogs do this, but I'll bet if they knew how much pain it caused people, they wouldn't.

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