Dog got broodie hen. Updated also with pic.


i dont eat chicken!!!!
9 Years
Nov 2, 2010
Menifee CA
ok so i had my two broodie silkies in a jumbo dog kennel in the chicken run because they are sitting on eggs and i cant have them in the middle of the coop floor (dior is cant get into the boxes or wont try). Well today i was working in the run and i had left the run door open to free range the younger chickens, cause the others are in chicken jail for laying all over they yard, and i had opened the kennel door cause dior (one of the broodies) wanted out, i turn around i see coco (the other broodie) in my dogs mouth as he is sneaking away with her, I yelled at him and he dropped her, i checked her over really well and she has two small teeth marks where they broke the skin but they are about the size of a thumb tac or a little smaller. Her legs aren't broken but she wont walk, she hobbles around not using her left leg. Is it cause of the shock or could he have broken her back. I am scared he broke her back, I dont know what to do. PLEASE HELP.
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will she curl her toes around your fingers, move feet at all? I would at least isolate her from the others, keep her calm, warm and safe. give her some electrolyte solution in her water, place feed near her so she could eat if she wants to, maybe tomorrow or next day if she seems better a warm bath might help with any discomfort. flush out her wounds with half water half peroxide solution and put neosporin on them to prevent infection.
About 2 Months Ago I Had One Of My Dogs Get In To The Hen House .my Husband Went Out And Forgot To Lock It Behind Him.we Are Always Locking Each Other In The Barn By Mistake .to Bad This Was Not One Of The Days . My Dog Grabed A Hen. When I Yell He Drop Her . I Saw No Blood So I Thought Shes Ok And Finised My Chores. But As I Feed Thier Treat For The Night She Hide, I Knew We Where In Trouble. When I Foound Her Her Neck Flesh Had Been Torn Back To Where You Could See Things, Yet No Blood . It Was Strange. We Washed With Dail And Peroixdside. And Then We But Scarlet Oil Spray On Her For 3 Weeks . And Evey Thing Other Day When In The Chicken Hospital(spare Room) She Would Still Lay An For The Feet She Could Be In Shock.. I Had A Roo That When Scared Would Act Like He Was Broked And Look Like He Was Dying.
After A While He Was Back Up. I Hope It Goes Well What Ever Be The Case Good Luck.
She is aware of everything and she is still being herself as for screaming at others and at me like she was nesting but she wont sit on the leg or her eggs. I will check on her tomorrow before work and update if there are any changes.
Id take those eggs and get them in the incubator asap or under the other hen. As for her...sounds like shock...tho usually they will get up and RUN LIKE HECK. So legs are worrysome. Rest in a warm quiet place away from all noises etc. and see if shes isnt better by the morror. If not Id be thinking spinal or neck injury. Some days I HATE dogs...including my own.
Just a little FYI there are 2 ways of curing a dog from that HORRID behavior (besides a shock collar)...the one is to introduce them on a leash to a nasty broody hen or nasty roo...let them get pecked hard a few times...theyll get a new respect for our feathered friends.
The other way...and this will gross some people out but older folks and old timers who have done it will nod their head that it does IF your evil dog gets and kills one of your chickens you take the carcass and tie it to the dogs collar and out the dog goes. It stays on till it rots off and the dog will hate the smell so bad that it wont go back again, and I can tell ya watching my dad growing up...ITS AWFUL but IT WORKS.
Personally I like Ceasar Millan and his methods...teach the dog that the Chickens are higher up in the pack then the dog is.
I hope your traumatized chicken makes a full recovery...they are resellient creatures!
There has been no change to her. She does drink and eat and poo but she wont move around. I have her in a nesting box with the other broodie cause they are besties, or so it seems to me. The wounds have already healed up they where that small, she has been laying on her left side, and she tends to fall that way if she is laying down. She will curl her right toes around my finger but not her left toes but she still wont even walk or try too. I took the eggs she was sitting on and gave them to doir, but i dont know if they will make it since dior is smaller than coco so she has a harder time keeping 4 of them under her. She is still alert and everything. I tried giving her a caterpillar, she took one peck at it but wouldn't eat it. I hope she makes it, or i will be very sad. As for the dog and those methods, i know both i started out with the leash and got them used to them that way, and have never had a problem with him. All three dogs have been really good with them. He never chases them or anything so i am thinking he did it cause she was sitting there and it was easy pickings, SO i am having a brood box mad today under the nesting boxes.
So i thought i would update with a pic of what she does. She still wont move around or anything, she will eat and drink if i move her to it or vise versa, she goes to the bathroom but doesn't move for that. This is how she lays, sometimes her wing is tucked in but thats the only movement.

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