Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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I have raised and trained ranch dogs most of my life. Puppies require consistent, ongoing training to learn to leave chickens alone, especially chicks. To leave a 6 month old pup alone with access to things that, to it, amount to fun toys to catch and play with, and expecting pup to have the maturity to ignore all that, is setting the pup up for epic failure. Our responsibility to care for and protect our livestock must extend to our dogs as well in the form of proper upbringing. If they are expected to be good ranch dogs they deserve the time and effort to train them before expecting them to act like fully trained, adult dogs.
I have raised and trained ranch dogs most of my life. Puppies require consistent, ongoing training to learn to leave chickens alone, especially chicks. To leave a 6 month old pup alone with access to things that, to it, amount to fun toys to catch and play with, and expecting pup to have the maturity to ignore all that, is setting the pup up for epic failure. Our responsibility to care for and protect our livestock must extend to our dogs as well in the form of proper upbringing. If they are expected to be good ranch dogs they deserve the time and effort to train them before expecting them to act like fully trained, adult dogs.
i agree 100% and i keep most of my dogs in a kennel because most of them are trained duck dogs and i know what they will do if they get out, but this puppy had been with these chickens since birth and had been shut up when i put the young chickens out for most of the day and let out for about 4 hrs a day and watched closely, he never bothered them so i started leaving him out and about 2 weeks later he decided to go after them he had tore up one of my older chickens also, and in my 25 yrs of training and working with dogs once they do it once it will happen again, so now i got a new dog for the yard that has been around for about a year and is doing great with them so it all worked out. but you are right and when done right it works great for all the animals, dogs and chickens
Today I found our neighbors dogs in my backyard. It was too late for me to save three of my chickens. All I could was scream. They had gotten all three of my daughters favorites. Her very favorite was a polish hen named Bella Trix. We are going to take them to small claims court because not only are they a threat to the rest of the chickens they are a threat to humans as well. They have charged many a people in the past year and a half. I have called animal control on them before where they were cited. They eventually fixed the chewed up fence partially. Well today they chewed up another part of the fence not fixed and killed them. This happened within 10 minutes. We had a hard time finding the rest of the flock (we had 10 in all). My daughter came up with the great idea of suing them. I am now going to take them to small claims court. Does anyone have any suggestions on what info I need to bring to the hearing? My daughter is really upset. Thankfully though she wasn't here to see them dead. I miss them already. One of the ones that was murdered would come visit us in the house. She had been in the house about 20 minutes prior to the incident. Her name was Scratch. She would peck at the door to be let in. These dog are dangerous. One of them has bitten my daughter and keeps charging anyone that comes into my yard. I am so beside myself at how they reacted to it too. They told me I needed to put up a fence to keep his dog contained. Uhh wrong answer. May Moon, Scratch, and Bella Trix rest in peace.
Today I found our neighbors dogs in my backyard. It was too late for me to save three of my chickens. All I could was scream. They had gotten all three of my daughters favorites. Her very favorite was a polish hen named Bella Trix. We are going to take them to small claims court because not only are they a threat to the rest of the chickens they are a threat to humans as well. They have charged many a people in the past year and a half. I have called animal control on them before where they were cited. They eventually fixed the chewed up fence partially. Well today they chewed up another part of the fence not fixed and killed them. This happened within 10 minutes. We had a hard time finding the rest of the flock (we had 10 in all). My daughter came up with the great idea of suing them. I am now going to take them to small claims court. Does anyone have any suggestions on what info I need to bring to the hearing? My daughter is really upset. Thankfully though she wasn't here to see them dead. I miss them already. One of the ones that was murdered would come visit us in the house. She had been in the house about 20 minutes prior to the incident. Her name was Scratch. She would peck at the door to be let in. These dog are dangerous. One of them has bitten my daughter and keeps charging anyone that comes into my yard. I am so beside myself at how they reacted to it too. They told me I needed to put up a fence to keep his dog contained. Uhh wrong answer. May Moon, Scratch, and Bella Trix rest in peace.
Sorry if this post is tough to follow. I am typing in an upset state. By they I mean the dogs killed all three of my daughters favorites. I am taking the neighbors to small claims.The three dogs chewed up the fence and killed the chickens.
So sorry about your loss, I totally understand. File ANOTHER complaint with Animal Control & your local Sheriff or Police Dept. Tell them everything, if your daughter was bitten, did she see a DR., if so you have that documentation to present, all receipts for any and all repairs you've had to make because of them, Dr. visit, etc. Did you take pictures of her wounds? Present that if you did. Take pictures of the fence these beasts keep destroying & anything else they've destroyed. I really hate people like your neighbors, they have no respect or responsibility for anything or anyone, they NEED to be made ACCOUNTABLE. I would also inform them that if their dogs get into your yard AGAIN, they will be destroyed. If they've already been reported, it's on file that they are DANGEROUS & you should be within your rights to protect you & your family from them. But, that being said, double check with your local law enforcement office as to your legal rights about destroying their "vicious pets" if they break into your yard again. I would secure YOUR side of the fence & your chicken's pen, that way you're doing ALL you can to protect your animals.
Folks like that just make me sick! There is no reason these dogs should be allowed to continue to run at large. I can't believe they've gotten away with this much trouble. A gun is necessary in the country. I can count a handful of missed opportunities in the 3 years we've lived here from not having one. We know all our legal rights now, & would not hesitate to shoot such unruly beasts! I sure hope you have evidence to support your claims. Best of luck suing their a**es off! At the very least you might have the authorities take dogs away & euthanized.
I'm taking them to small claims court.
I'm gonna ask for a a few hundred dollars
That is what makes me mad too, is the comment, "They are just chickens".

You won't get "a few hundred dollars". All you can sue for is the reasonable market value of the chickens which would fall far short of that. Small Claims court can't compensate you for whatever emotional attachment you felt for the birds. Small Claims rules [at least in NY] don't allow you to sue for punative damages.
Thanks guys for the support. I am going to double check the laws here in NC but I am pretty sure you can defend yourself if the dogs are on your property. Not sure at what capacity you can shoot them but that is where the checking comes in. Of course I wouldn't just shoot a dog because it's on my property but I know how these particular ones behave. So with that history I would shoot them.
Thanks guys for the support. I am going to double check the laws here in NC but I am pretty sure you can defend yourself if the dogs are on your property. Not sure at what capacity you can shoot them but that is where the checking comes in. Of course I wouldn't just shoot a dog because it's on my property but I know how these particular ones behave. So with that history I would shoot them.

Good for you. Make this a TOP priority, 'cause next time they could attack your daughter or you or anyone in your yard. As I said before, these people need to be made accountable & those vicious beasts destroyed.
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