Selene uwu

May 16, 2019
Grand Rapids, Michigan
We have been incubating Peking Duck eggs, today would be day 29 and since yesterday we have gotten a bunch of movement such as chirping, egg moving, and cracks from ducks hatching. This morning during breakfast we checked on them before going back to eat and the dog stayed downstairs. When I came down to check on them after breakfast all 3 incubators were knocked over with eggs and blood thrown all over the floor. 4 of them have blood and membrane leaking out, with one of them having their entire body exposed... They are still moving, chirping and trying to hatch out of the eggs, to help them we raised the humidity up and are misting the eggs with exposed membranes and monitoring them. It doesn't look like the dog punctured any eggs, they look to have been merely thrown around Does anyone have any advice? Should I pull the largely exposed chick from the egg or just let them continue hatching out without any help given the situation?
eggs 4.jpg
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eggs 1.jpg
Odds of survival are fairly low for the ones that have been cracked badly. First off, spraying the eggs with water will actually pull moisture away from the shell, I would apply a moistener like coconut oil, Neosporin, or Food grade mineral oil to the exposed membrane. Keep the humidity up, and leave them be. Do NOT pull any more of the shell off or try to help the ducklings out, they need to be left alone.
I'm assuming the incubator is in a safe location now?
Yes, the incubators are all now in a no-pet safe room. We applied mineral oil and will only lift the lid at 5-10 hour intervals when checking on progress. We applied mineral oil and their movement does not seem to be declining, some of the other eggs that previously had little movement are now showing more movement and chirping. I will put more updates as they happen, thank you so much!
Last night when when applying more mineral oil to the babies we noticed one that was previously active had stopped showing any signs of life and had experienced rigormortis, today we might do something with their body but i'm not sure. The one with the yolk hanging out seemed to be getting worse last night but in between the 4 hours I slept after checking on them he had made about a one inch crack through his egg and stuck his bill out, unfortunately by the time I saw this their body was no longer moving as well. For the other two largely damaged ones: the one with its butt hanging out keeps trying to break through the shell even though it has slipped too far out and can't reach any shell/membrane, if it is still alive at 9am I might reposition them to be able to break at the shell. The one doing the best is egg 'L'- one of the eggs who like the little dead one had its shell mostly removed- has made about a one inch tear and keeps sticking its bill out to scream and chirp (recorded a video of it). The other eggs, besides maybe 3, are staying at the same level of progress as before or are making improvements with their hatching.
We ended up assisting the duckling that was struggling to hatch-they are breathing but I can tell will need a lot of attention (that we are willing to give), we named them Lucky. The second egg that has always been very loud hatched out on its own and is looking really healthy, we decided to name them Ducky. Ducky is much more active and is able to hold their head up and actively open their eyes unlike Lucky, the rest of the eggs are improving and actively hatching.

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