dog proof tractor


11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
I'm back after however many years break. I was certain I wouldn't remember my login. We are moving to a house in a city that allows chickens. Have to jump through a few hoops but eventually we can have 6 hens. The previous owners already built a coop and got a permit so there should be no issues. I'm not sure their coop is to specs, they are free ranging which is against the rules, and they have a rooster so they are not following the laws in the least but if they got a permit it means a coop can be built on the property and the neighbors have already been informed about chickens. I'm thinking 2 OEGB to satisfy my bantam fix, 2 buff orpingtons, 1 EE, and 1 wyandotte.

Now the problem is the yard has to contain everything. Chickens, garden, dogs.... 1 of our dogs is fine with chickens but the 30lb shiba has chicken killing down to an art. Since they have to be contained at all times anyway I'm hoping this is not a problem. We will raise the chicks around the dogs to help prevent spooking and exciting the shiba. I need a 30lb dog proof chicken tractor though. It would be possible to build a permanent pen but I'd rather move them around on the grass instead of a dirt pen after they kill every plant. We are only moderately handy. Much of what we build comes out a bit uneven and we don't do angle cuts well. I can get boards cut straight and more exact from lowes.

I need a good 6 chicken, relatively dog proof, easy to build, easily moved tractor with a small amount of shelter in case I don't get them back in the coop during bad weather.

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