Dog run converted into a chicken run?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
I plan on purchasing a 10x10 dog run to use as a chicken run, but I have a few concerns. I do plan on purchasing the sun shade to use as a top (only 29.99) so I don't have to go through putting chicken wire over the top, supporting it etc..

A few of my concerns are, the holes in the fencing especially around the door/ frame poles are a bit large to keep smaller predators out.. I plan on zip-tying smaller chicken wire around the bottom few feet. I'm hoping that'll do.

Now here is what I need advice on, I plan on moving eventually maybe in the next year or two. So I would like to avoid digging under the cage to bury hardware cloth to keep out the diggers. Is there any other way I can go about keeping them out without digging?
We laid out wire fencing on the ground 2 inch by 4 inch zip tied it together then put the dog run together on top of it. We folded the excess up on the sides of the dog run and went crazy with the zip ties.:) So far so good nothing has dug in.
So your saying lay chicken wire on the ground under the sides of the run, fold up the wire that's on the inside of the run and zip tie. then leave the wire that's on the outside of the run laying on the ground?
No the floor of the dog pen is the wire fencing that was laid out on the ground. The excess we folded up on the outside of the dog run and zip tied. So the entire floor is fenced. We did not use chicken wire from what I have read predators can tear right through it. It is wire fencing 2 inch by 4inch. It has worked really well for us.
My run is made out of a cyclone dog run too. I used chicken wire for the bottom & halfway up the sides & crimped it all together with metal clamps. For the top we roofed 1/2 & the other 1/2 is chicken wire but its layered. There is also extended wood beams all the way across under the chicken wire roof for extra support to keep predators from falling through. My dogs do a good job keeping them away though :) Chicken wire is ok but predators can tear it easier than some of the other options out there. Best of luck
I think the dog run is a good idea. I found one on Craigslist for $100 and it's pretty big (the top is 6 feet). I put a wooden chicken coop I found on eBay inside it (on a regular wooden door that's held up by concrete blocks to keep the rain/water out). Then I put a tarp on top of the dog run, held down with zip ties and hardware cloth held on with zip ties where the holes are around the door. I put the sun shade on the side of the coop to give the chickens some shade. Then put some large rocks along the inside to keep any digging predators out (I live in the city, so there aren't many of these and coyotes haven't shown any interest in the flock). Initially, I didn't put the tarp on very securely and a possum got in and killed one of the chickens.

This is a good set up and portable (I moved last weekend and dismantled/reassembled the pen in a few hours), although I'm thinking about replacing the ugly blue tarp roof with a corrugated steel roof. At night I still put the chickens in the wooden coop to protect them, but like the idea that they can be in the coop, in the dog run, or have free range in the fenced in part of the yard.

Good luck!
Search craigslist for chain link fencing. I found mine free.
Cut a section the same length as your pen side - and zip tie the section to the outside bottom of the pen. and lay the chain link on the ground.
It will sink in so you can mow over it and nothing can dig through it. No need to bury as predators are not smart enough to back off and start digging four feet or so away from the pen side.
If you need to move the pen, lift up the chain link skirts, move the pen and lay them back down again.
Attach skirts to all four sides of the pen if necessary. Still easier and cheaper than digging and burying and it leaves your pen with a natural floor for chickens that dig, take dust baths, etc.
Good idea to add chicken wire to sides of pen as chickens inside will stick their necks out to eat all the grass they can reach. Chickens with necks thru the pen are fair game for grabbing raccoons- they'd pull them right thru the pen side, one piece at a time.

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